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Lol. Cobra Kai got some interesting opinions. Remember to keep it respectful

a comment by Austin brilliantly changed my perspetive. Awesome addition 


S2 ep 9 Cobra Kai..hawk vs demetri. A line Crossed!

hawk vs demetri šŸ”„ Twitch https://www.twitch.tv/yaboyrocklee šŸ”„ TWITTER https://www.twitter.com/YaBoyRockLee_ BACK UP CHANNEL https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDbmOyKzb8y4s4NktagF3Hw ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ āž”ļø Twitch https://www.twitch.tv/yaboyrocklee āž”ļø INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/yaboyrocklee/ āž”ļø FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/yaboyrocklee āž”ļø Anime Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/2223643067889016 āž”ļø Tiktok https://www.tiktok.com/@yaboyrocklee


Austin S

No way demetri should have beat hawk at this point in the story imo

Daniel Gonzalez

Ain't got time for that shit gotta spout my opinions but seriously while I do like watching reactions sometimes I'm trying to fit them in before work so I will skip stuff at times and I already said it but my take on it is stuff was getting bad and Hawk was being a dick but Demetri never really tried to de-escalate the situation either he only ever threw fuel onto the fire and I feel using secrets earned in friendship crossed the line he was due for a comeuppance


The only thing is, Hawk not once brought up the fact Demetri embarrassed him. Only the fans bring that up lol. Hawk took that shit at the party and since then heā€™s been doing what he can to target Demetri, he didnā€™t mope and complain about what Demetri did at the party. He just went on with their rivalry. Demetri not only had the unfortunate task of being the adversary to one of the most well-liked characters in the fandom, he also still doesnā€™t hold a candle to him in the show(in-universe)ā€¦ and that later becomes a problem in the rivalry.

Austin S

I agree with your take, I don't think demetri went too far, cause I agree with your policy of respond with equal or more aggression, but if you wanna look at the actions in terms of isolated incidents of which Is worse beating your friend up, or spilling your friends deepest secret and give them attribute points idk, I would feel betrayed if a friend jumped me, I'd also feel betrayed if a friend spilled my deepest secret, I feel like the emotional wound might cut deeper tho (and have worse repercussions on a persons life) than being physically harmed, depending on the weight of the secret. So I guess what I'm saying is under circumstances he didn't go TOO far, but his wrong did go farther or is objectively worse than hawks wrong


Iā€™ve never said my opinion on this because it doesnā€™t matter much to me but I will say hawk was always walking a fine line, but demetri did cross the line. In every rivalry or any beef two people can be against each other and fight and pick on one another. But when you bring in personal stuff your add more than you need to and make it personal.

Austin S

I'd argue that hawk's intentions are coming from a better place than Demetri's tho, hawk is in a sense trying to protect his home/ safe space and we know how deeply that goes for him seeing his backstory he found a place that he belongs and empowers him, Demetri's retaliation almost seems to come from a place of just pure malice and revenge, like you said he didn't try to leverage the information or really use it in a defensive matter, it was just like I was wronged now youre wronged, completely warranted btw but intentions wise I'd lean toward hawk, look at Demetri's face šŸ˜­ that doesn't look like someone trying to protect anything, he got up there on some "šŸ˜ˆ"


i mean if my best friend suddenly jumps me with 5 others because i trashed their dojo and then spilled juice on my head while im tryna cheer them up. Id fight back too. i do think that Demetri was too jumpy in the beginning. like man, you shouldnt have been tryna join karate with all that non wanting to get hit part. its karate, you're gonna get injured if u fight. but hawk went too far about the yelp post. if i were in hawks position id ask him to take the post down but not through intimidation. its not even a big deal yet he blew it up cuz he feels so attached to cobra kai who gave him a purpose. overall theres blame on both sides but imo i think hawk took it a bit far


Completely agree. Hawk started it anyway so basically the line was crossed and gone from the on. It's not like Demitri didn't try to make things work with Hawk despite him changing and being a bully. But when push comes to shove, you have to stand up for yourself.


Demetri started first, just wanted to make that clear. The first time in the friendship that someone did something wrong, it was Demetri.

Austin S

my last point on the subject its all perspective, to hawk demetri crossed the initial line (violating his safe space) and then crossed it again with spilling his secret, and he responded with overwhelming force šŸ˜­


Demeatri is what I consider a punk who jumps up to get beat down. In any way, running your mouth about someone especially when personal information is bought up. People got beat for just a mama joke. Plus, that party incident only happen because he approached Hawk/Eli at the party when at no point did it show they resolved the issue from the last incident they were in. Hawk is faking it til he makes and in some part he has proven to be that dude. Hawk has shown he reacts before thinking and it makes majority of his choices hard to side with. They both fake tough but one has hands the other has a mouth. Just to be clear, Hawk would win 1v1 against Demeatri easily if in a proper setting.


Lol. I like your take Austin. Youā€™re right. Hawk was protecting Cobra Kai initially vs operating from Malalice. That gives me an ENTIRELY DIFFERENT POINT OF VIEW. Lol. I feel wrong now šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚. Thanks for sharing. I do read

Doctor Tots

Here's what I think for whatever it's worth. Both of these guys were put in a tough situation for any friendship where one of them has moved up the social hierarchy exponentially. Demeatri is jealous, he envies the newfound popularity of Hawk and despises that he got there in all the ways he frowns upon. Hawk is frustrated and disappointed that his best friend keeps shitting on the very thing that help improved his life - Cobra Kai. Regardless of what you may think about the methods used in Cobra Kai, the core of it, as Terry Silver from Karate Kid 2 would say, "We started Cobra Kai to help kids take their weaknesses and turn them into strengths" and that's exactly what it does. It turns outcast kids like Hawk/Eli into Confident and motivated individuals, who when given the wrong guidance can become worse people. My point is - Both of these guys didn't know how to handle this situation, so both of them acted irrationally in the only ways they both knew how. For Demeatri, that was using his clever retorts to publically humilate Hawk with a secret from their childhood. For Hawk, that was using his newfound strength and Karate to publicly humilate Demeatri - Seeing a pattern here? both of them used the exact same way to get back at each other, and it's the very same thing they both fear because they've both been the outcasts, together as friends, so they know exactly what hurts the most. All in all, both of them are even with each other.

Nicholas Castillo

I think you just killed your own argument of not crossing the line when you said something along the lines of emotional violence is worst than physical. Hawk is a physical bully. And demeatri is a verbal bully. And just for the record demeatri believes he can say and do anything without physical Consequences. The reason he crossed the line and everybody has said he crossed the line is because if you and your best friend are having beef and he physically beat you up for not taking a review down. That is something that can still be settled. As fucked up as it is you can end your friendship there never talk again fight back call the cops plenty of solutions. Dimitri doesnā€™t mind getting beat up so long as he keeps his review up remembered as crazy as it is a hawk to hurt someone for that at the same time Dimitri is just as crazy for holding his review up against the threat of violence. If I said something negative against somebody and that happened to be my friendā€™s favorite place and it hurt him so bad that he wants to fight me for it. Iā€™ll take the review down because I care about my friend more than I give a shit about the place. But then afterwards the reason he crossed the line is because you canā€™t unsay words. Like you said you wouldnā€™t have used that you wouldā€™ve leveraged it but he had no intent of leveraging he just wanted to bully Eli and hurt him it wasnā€™t for some benevolent reason it wasnā€™t any other reason than to hurt him emotionally because he already knows about his insecurities Dimitri is trying to destroy Eli at that point in time psychologically. Hawk is not trying to destroy Dimitri he is making out lash a physical violence to try to get his way itā€™s horrible also. To use the threat of violence and fear to get your way. but to not understand thereā€™s a difference is something also. Different lines are crossed all the time. And you even said it there are more lines to be crossed so you understand thereā€™s more lines you just donā€™t agree that thereā€™s a line on this. And just for the record hawk and Dimitri are hyper versions of Johnny and Daniel from karate kid


It ainā€™t no limits to taking it too far when you getting bullied and getting yo ass kicked šŸ˜‚


yeah, i actually have a caption in the post, that I decided my point a bit but I left my thoughts there, so Ultimately, Dimitri now looks a bit worst than Eli. but to the first point, the fact that I think emotional abuse is worst than physical doesn't contradict where the line was drawn. Once you hit someone, you've crossed a line and now physical or emotional attacks are on the table. that was basically when I was thinking...but no longer because Hawk was defining Cobra Kai, wanting to save the reputation, and Dimitri would take down the review, slight remarks, and only spilled the beans out of vengeance..... both characters are at fault however, but Hawk looks better to me now.