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Deonta Kilpatrick

What’s the difference with a death battle…. Actual … death 🤣🤣🤣


Lol. Without a death battle there is an element of holding back lol. I have the advantage in a death battle against an opponent significantly weaker than me vs having to just restrain them. If i have to focus on neutralizing them…like AdorkableNerd on the channel…i risk the mistake of her striking a blow to my chin in the struggle and I’m out. Lol. She can use max force against me and i have to hold back. (She actually trains muy thai)

Eli Jones

YES finally the reaction for episode 5 guys! Hope you are enjoying the series it only gets better.

Black Hawk

You could probably say this is filler but I will say this something like this that connects to the storyline I'll take it all day


I’d say it’s more like a break chapter or a transitional period. Some time with the characters just being themselves without an actual storyline/mission getting in the way.


i saw a trumpet of the swan movie but i never heard of a book


lmao@yall "he fucked up some commas" 😂😂😂 dope episode though.

John Jacob

I'm on Rocklee's side in this. If Loid plans it out, I can see him winning but if it's any kind of physical fighting, I give it to Yor.


Yor is scary drunk fighting...don't fight with waifu when she drunk as she will end you.

Thomas Stark

Personally I still call it Spy x Family not just spy family because to me the whole point of the series is to ship our boy twilight with a family. ya know Luffy x Meat, Sasuke x Revenge, Spy x Family.


A small price for peace, it was worth every penny. 😂🤣🤣🕵🏻‍♂️ I wonder what budget this anime has? 💰💰💰


What did they say Anya was doing @ 15:40


The manga has an official fun character stat breakdown: Agent Papa Level: 100 Power:100 Smarts:500 Coolness: 80 /Stomachacheyness: 90 Agent Mama Level:100 Power:10, 000/ Smarts:2 Kindness: 100/ Life Skills:5 Agent Anya Cuteness: 1,000,000 / Tallness 99.5 I like to think of it as Loid would win if he can plan beforehand or rely on gadgets/strategy, whereas Yor would win in a straight fight (lol 10K power stat glass cannon)


Yuumo Gwei Gwai Fai Dee Zao, uncle's chant from Jackie Chan. Magic Must Defeat Magic!


Are you guys reacting to bubble the movie? It has amazing animation and looks so good and was created by wit studios so you know it’s fire


Short answer, i dunno lol. There’s endless choices. I’m unaware what I’m going to do until i finish something and i decide in 72 hours with few shows planned in Advance like Bleach and The Boys. Movies will be extremely seldom because they take up like 4 slots of recording time and throws of the schedule commitment.

Black Hawk

I'm getting a lil nervous. Why? If you have the #1 spy in the country messing things up you will probably need a assassin to handle the threat. I hope Yor is not put in a bad situation. Will it be family over mission or mission over family 👪

naked hairy potato

I just learned this today, whenevr Anya randomly adds "please" to end of her sentences is because she is trying to look well-mannered, even if it don't make sense grammatically.


Great reaction and seeing Nasty down bad for Yor is quite refreshing honestly. I do agree that in an enclosed space, and in hand to hand combat, Loid will get his ass whooped, but if it's in an open space and no holds barred type of deathmatch, I think Loid will be the victor. In conclusion, Anya's going to be a powerhouse when she grows up

Adam Vialpando

i mean Loid is primarily a spy. He is a great fighter to get his jobs done but his real skill is information gathering. Everything else is just a means to that end. Yor is strictly a killer. She has trained to be a weapon of death and she is the best at it. Loid can hold his own in a regular fight but no holds barred Yor would murder him. That's why they had to have her heel break and make her pass out. Lod would have lost otherwise.


No holds barred means anything goes which means prep time. Guns, strategizing, using any method. You need to be a quick thinker and be able to adapt in that situation. Yor is the better killer but Loid isn't the best spy in his country for no reason. It comes with the job. It just means he is an all rounder.


That’s not what we were talking about though. Literally talking about who wins without prep time.


Ignore the comment, I meant to reply to Adam who replied to my comment but I don't know whether the app (mobile) doesn't allow me to reply to specific replies/comments or I just don't know how to


Yor couldn't find that purse snatcher in ep3, you really think she would be able to find Loid if he was serious?


btw I know this isn't a question of who can hide better, I'm just saying that the fight would be over before Yor knew what was going on. Between Loids stealth abilities and his personality to always have a backup plan, I don't see him loosing. Even with Yors incredible instincts and detection abilities as displayed when she met Loid. She wouldn't be able to touch him without him making a mistake, and from watching these few episodes, I wouldn't put my winning strategy on Loid making a mistake.


Yo, IDGAF if you call me a furry, I'd smash Nala, Lola Bunny, Cleopatra from Heathcliff, Cheetara, Raphtalia, they all fine.


Ok, Chisato VS Loid, who wins?


Mosquitoes truly are the deadliest thing on the planet. No joke that's real.