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Jaheem Ali

Just wanna say y'all are hilarious and I fuck with the vibe y'all give out. I've been a patreon member for a year and there's been anime I've been watching on my own time and dropped cause I lost interest and y'all just makes it 10 times better. Hasn't been a single vid that I haven't enjoy, keep it up man.


Komi's main competitor is Najimi. 😂🤣🤣


Thanks man. Not gonna lie the comradiity carries lol. We can waffles like anything and have a blast regardless of how good the show actually was on it’s own lol. I can’t spell comradity or whatever 🥺

Daniel Borrego

oh have you guys never lived anywhere seasonal? ya it gets real friggn cold up here. im basically around the same latitude as japan and it can get like -22 farenhieght up here in the winter. even colder higher up. it looks like japan doesnt get quite that cold but like 23 farenhieght. and if its damp then thats actually pretty damned cold.


All of us were raised in Florida. It’s hot 95% of the time. Even when it gets cold it last for 3 hours. Instantly hot. Florida is a failed Endeavor experiment and we are abused

Daniel Borrego

snow sounds great, and even is great for about a day. it gets old REALLY fast. and cold sucks. especially as you get older. its why people retire to florida ;)

Adam Vialpando

I guess it depends on what you are used to. I live in SoCal and having warm winters and hot summers sounds great until it's in the triple digits for a month straight and the coldest it gets is 91 degrees at midnight.