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ok...ok...for..i mixed up my caption before......but yeah...dont trust stairs lol... I

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ppl trying to put it all on one person or one group when its interconnected its everyone fault not one person but the person that was the most disappointing this episode was Daniel. They make him regress into a 5 year old at times with no awareness. Also tory is a lunatic. she got a few bolts loose you just started dating this kid you dont really like and u about to kill this girl and she still lost.

Bitch 1

I blame everyone for this fight including the adults. Miguel wasn’t innocent. His injuries didn’t absolve him of the part that he played. It was just a consequence of everyone’s actions as a whole. He ran up on Robby clearly trying to defuse the situation and in Robby’s words to both girls, they could work it out. Miguel ran up on him with that same Cobra Kai mentality and attacked, once again unprovoked. I low key believe in my heart that Miguel was looking for a reason to fight Robby. It just presented itself in that moment. Miguel did escalate the fight. The part that truly gets me angry is that a lot of viewers want to place all blame on Robby here. They legit expected this man to believe Miguel’s sudden attack of conscience. Why the heck would Robby buy Miguel’s ‘apology’ smack in the middle of a heated confrontation? All Robby has known from Miguel’s side is attack from day 1. He should believe the guy that attacked him on the beach, the same guy that showed zero honor at the All Valley. Robby should take those words as sincere after Miguel just spent the last minutes fighting him, antagonizing him with words about Johnny/Sam. Words Miguel knew were sore spots for this kid and used them to purposely inflict hurt upon him. Johnny himself told Miguel that he was a deadbeat dad, none of which is Robby’s fault. Instead of empathizing with another kid without a father, much like himself, Miguel used his relationship with Johnny to cause more emotional damage for Robby knowing he has suffered due to Johnny actions. But yeah, Robby is supposed to buy Miguel’s cease fire after all of that. Miguel is hardly innocent here. Yes Sam kissed him too, she’s to blame also, but Miguel was the sober clear headed party in this situation. From the outside, it does look like a guy taking advantage of the drunk girl. Miguel and Sam are practically written identical, as angels. Miguel is no better than Robby. Both are overall good kids that have made mistakes. As has the rest of them. Only Miguel is written as the innocent lamb as opposed to Robby, who by the show’s writing, is the bad guy. Daniel, Johnny, Sam, Miguel, Tory, Robby and to a lesser extent, the other Cobra Kai/Miyagi-Do students all have a hand in Miguel being in that bed. Period!

Ky Williams

danny kicking in doors is how you get shot where im from


What a massive reveal this episode. Miguel was the chick from zoro's back story.

Ky Williams

also the first part of that school fight was all one shot no cuts🔥amazing cinematography

NinZ Alba

From here on, it only gets better. Robby is definitely my favorite with such an unpredictable storyline. Everyone else, they are all one dimensional characters, but Robby's character is such a rollercoaster of a storyline that you don't know where it's going to go. Love it.


Unpredictable is the word that describes Robby's arc the least, he's a plot device(in the first 3 seasons) and pretty cliche lol. You might not have seen many shows or read many books if Robby's arc is unpredictable to you. I can't believe you said every character is one-dimensional... and excluded Robby.

Bitch 1

He’s more unpredictable character wise over people like Sam, Miguel, and Demetri. I venture to say that the only layered younger characters are Robby, Hawk, and Tory. Their stories actually move and feature many gray moments along the way. No one wants to watch predictable goodie two shoes. It’s boring af! Characters like Sam/Miguel are prime examples of bias writing to ensure good guy status. They are pretty one note characters because you can always rely on the writing to favor them.


I agree with some of that. I personally think Hawk and Tory are the most layered students, but I don't have Robby in third place. I think LaPusso (don't want to spoil) might be the third most layered young character. I also find Miguel quite boring, but I don't think Sam is as boring anymore post-season 3, I just still hate her... intensely. I obviously can't go into detail about anything because spoilers, but those are my vague thoughts.


I think it’s easier to write edgy characters. Miguel, Sam are supposed to be “good” people who make mistakes. Limits what you can do to main they are good at heart. Villain like characters have true freedom of writing in a way lol


One of the best finale's ever. The crazy part? it only gets better from here, the writing in this show man


Do u also take in other kids where ur from as well? If not this statement kinda corny

Ky Williams

tf are you talking about😂if you kick in my door i have the right to shoot you simple as that


Double standard of Amanda 1# season 2: It's ok if she knows Sam's laptop password, but its not ok for Danny to know it. smh