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mitch anderson



Kaguya and some other Shuichiin VIPs that can do bad things without batting an eye (Kaguya said this herself) arranged for Ogino and his family to be deported very far away, no idea why the anime removed this part when Hayasaka asked


The link for the specific page, if you want to check: https://guya.cubari.moe/read/manga/Kaguya-Wants-To-Be-Confessed-To/90/14/

Jeremiah Wagner

Still my favorite episode of Kaguya. Showed why Ishigami a goat. I can’t believe someone tried to convince that the girl ishigami protected is a nice person yet she’s so bitter ogino broke up with her she holds a grudge even in highschool. Then came to a different school festival just to bring him down. Keep her away from our school


ishigami best boy

John Spartan

Props to you all for catching several details that a large portion of reactors missed, from Ishigami's motives to little details like Otomo not going to suichiin highschool because she's dumb. Also I do recomend you to check the manga page posted above to clarify what haopened to Ogino.


I love this episode.


They cut the scenes from manga Kaguya just tell the truth to many vip of the school clubs you have senn them in season 1 ep 5 maybe where shirogane was in a meeting with then and kaguya said if they got ticked someone father can be get transfered it most probably refer to ogino And they also cut the scenes where after kaguya say he does to protect otomo smile she told her friend that she had a groups date on evening

Neo Don

I think Ishigami did shed two tears when you asked if he was crying. That was the two watermark evaporating on the ground but I think that symbolizes he doesn’t need to cry or despair anymore.

Random Guy

This is why I'm not a main character. If it was me I'd have leaked all the evidence I had.


Goated episode! Otomo is an asshole for going to the sports festival when she had no business being there lmao but I do understand her feelings of resentment due to not knowing the truth tbh


dont know why they didnt animate this panel from the manga but kaguya kinda indirectly did make the guy transfer by telling the more dangerous students on what the guy did https://imgur.com/a/Zm7z68E

Anthony Nguyen

You guys didn't talk about it, but I think when you were watching you noticed how Miko Iino reacted when she saw what was happening to Ishigami during the episode. Keep paying attention to her!

Anthony Nguyen

During episode 9, there was another "blink and you'll miss it" scene of Iino arguing with the guidance counselor about Ishigami's suspension as well that I don't think you commented on


They did the exact same shit to me, so i feel you Ishigami :'). Even explaining yourself doesn't work because kids are assholes.


This episode was stressful, it's good that it ended well.


Nah bro, from her perspective he broke up with her because Ishigami was a psycho who attacked him because he was with her. She didn't do anything wrong, she doesn't know the truth.

Jeremiah Wagner

I don’t want to hear that bs tbh. She’s in high school now. This happened in middle school. I personally wouldn’t break up with someone just because some dude attacked me for it. Ishigami didn’t explain his side at all. So instead of asking what happened from him she decided to take the time out of her day to go to an entirely different school she doesn’t belong that to insult him just for being happy. If you want to justify that be my guest but I’m gonna disagree with you entirely. And why is it that all these adults couldn’t figure out what really happened but Three teenagers could? She’s just an idiot and I stand by what I said

Pyraph (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-15 20:21:23 I don't blame her at all, she doesn't know the truth. If we only saw the story from her perspective we'd be on her side because Ishigami handled it terribly and came out looking like a psycho stalker who made her boyfriend dump her & leave the school because he was scared of him. I personally can't blame her for the way she acted toward him. For all she knows, Ishigami's the bad guy. We only agree with Ishigami because we know the truth.
2022-04-26 03:22:34 I don't blame her at all, she doesn't know the truth. If we only saw the story from her perspective we'd be on her side because Ishigami handled it terribly and came out looking like a psycho stalker who made her boyfriend dump her & leave the school because he was scared of him. I personally can't blame her for the way she acted toward him. For all she knows, Ishigami's the bad guy. We only agree with Ishigami because we know the truth.

I don't blame her at all, she doesn't know the truth. If we only saw the story from her perspective we'd be on her side because Ishigami handled it terribly and came out looking like a psycho stalker who made her boyfriend dump her & leave the school because he was scared of him. I personally can't blame her for the way she acted toward him. For all she knows, Ishigami's the bad guy. We only agree with Ishigami because we know the truth.


Pretty sure it's been under a year. Ishigami's last few months of Middle school were spent at home and this sports festival is about 6-7months into his first year of high school.. From her perspective, Ishigami was a stalker who was in love with her and beat the shit out of her boyfriend because of that. A few days later her boyfriend broke up with her and then transfers schools. That clearly tells her that he was scared of Ishigami. Ishigami only comes off as a psycho. I don't blame her at all for not wanting to go anywhere near Ishigami at that time, she was obviously scared because he seemed unhinged as fuck. Even now she's trying to get back with Ogino so she clearly really liked him so from her perspective Ishigami pretty much ruined her life by doing what he did. As you said, even the adults didn't realize what the truth was so it's unrealistic for her to know either. The difference is you had Shinomiya and Shirogane (two geniuses) put time into investigating what happened. That's how they found out the truth. Can't really blame her for being mad and upset when nobody told her the truth. If we were watching from her perspective and never got Ishigami's side of the story we'd all be thinking he was a psycho as well. You're calling her stupid for not knowing what we know as an audience member and not being as smart as the top two students in an elite school...

Jeremiah Wagner

He didn’t ruin anything she’s in high school. She has barely lived at all. I can blame her for holding a grudge. You may have believed it but I know I wouldn’t. Why would this guy who seems pretty chill and has no past issues of being a troublemaker all of a sudden start a fight if all things? This is classic gossip. I don’t judge anything until I hear both sides. That dude chose to broke up with her because he knew Ishigami was aware of his bs. He could have stayed with her but he chose to break up with her. He didn’t seem unhinged to me. He seemed like a guy who was genuinely worried about someone being taken advantage of. And she fell for his bs completely. I will say it again. I don’t care about her. She’s an ahole and a stupid child. She needs to move on. It was a little fight. He wasn’t going to murder him. He also obviously hasn’t talked to her since he broke up with her. That should have told her something. Cause what Ishigami did wasn’t traumatic at all. He may come off as a psycho to you but if I were in said said situation I’d know better. But that’s just me. Not everyone can see the truth. Or they just don’t want to believe it

Jeremiah Wagner

Not really. The ones tweaking are you and him cause you can’t accept I’m holding her accountable for being petty lol

modern viking

you can say she is being petty, and she is. but the problem is you seem to not understand why she is upset. like just put yourself in her shoes, you see this guy who is a loner and no one talks to him. you decide to be nice and help him out and make sure he doesnt get in trouble. then one day that same kid beats up your boyfriend because he wants to date you instead, and lets be honest while he does deserve it the beat down wasnt just a couple light taps. so everyone thinks that the creepy loner kid beat him up and is a stalker. now it would be different if he showed the proof and explained his side of story but the problem is that he didnt want to so the girl would think of it as a happy relationship. you only are angry at her because you know ishigami is the good guy but if you were a bystander you would be the same as them

Jeremiah Wagner

As I said before. No I wouldn’t be angry. Because Ishigami had no previous actions like this. He’s just a middle schooler. I don’t think anyone at that level is capable of stalking. The problem is you don’t understand what I’m saying and it shows. I’m angry at her because she can’t let go. She is a child and needs to get tf over it. Like he broke up with you and you need to accept it. If I was a bystander I wouldn’t care. Id just be filming a fight. Idc what’s the reason behind it. If he didn’t explain himself then I’d think something was going on because you wouldn’t want to get in trouble over a fight obviously. She assumed he was a stalker. Even her friends at the end of the episode were looking at her funny when she said she would hope she got a second chance with her ex. They looked at her like your still not over him? Also I don’t believe you’d be so scared of him as to move and switch schools. Listen man. You can give all your “oh if you were in the crowd” bs all you want but at the end of the day…. I really dork care for your input or your opinion. You believe what you want to believe and I’ll keep doing what I’m doing. That’s your problem. Instead of thinking “ok this guy clearly doesn’t agree with me I’ll just leave it alone.” You think you should try to change my view. I’m not. Get over it. Have a good night ☺️


Shouldn't she be trying to confirm the facts? She immediately jumped on the Ishigami hate bandwagon. I can understand wanting to trust your boyfriend in these scenario's but to me, fact checking is a responsibility everyone has to bear if they want to be entitled to a certain belief. Another thing is that she was still holding resentment towards him and even came to the school to make him feel bad. Anyone can feel a certain way, but it's how we react. Even if we excuse her for not knowing the truth, that reaction was not warranted when not confirming the facts.


We noticed lino or atleast i did. I felt like we already noted her defending Ishigami from the shadows. Lol. She’s just not a character we comment on much lol


Yeah we gotta excuse her. Shinomiya already said, “that’s the innocent Ishigami was fighting to protect”. That line defused my outrage. If my girl/wife started hating on some girl and said she tried to destroy our family or something. It’s automatic hate lol. I’m not gonna go investigate to see that my wife was telling the truth. (I’m also not gonna show up and harass them at work though 😭😭😭). This situation is highly reasonable remembering she’s dumb and in high school. I inherited a lot of my friends beef in college and high school. Wasn’t my job to know whos right. It’s time to go war!!! Lol. As an adult i look back and go “that was lame”. But it’s extremely normal behavior for people who are into Cliques or are moderately into popularity more more.


Middle schoolers/ high schoolers don’t confirm facts in large. They go with rumors.


The more i think about it. Adults don’t either lol. Not to go deep into it. But look at last 2 elections. Adults read memes and thought those were facts and voted accordingly. We have right and left wing media and people dont really fact check their source enough. They stick to bias info and make MAJOR decisions that effect their Nation and future decendents based on false information


Yeah, totally agree. Also, it didnt feel like she specifically came to the school for Ishigami to me, more like she came to the school to hang out with her old friends during sports day and saw Ishigami and decided to give him a piece of her mind as some kind of closure for her.

Anthony Nguyen

You guys commented on her again on ep12 haha, so all's good. But yo dude, now that I gave it some more thought, after watching the episode for like the 5th time, it finally hit me: Ishigami is so good because he's Jesus Christ (for this ep). He became a martyr who died on the cross (suspension) for the sins of the world (dumb girl and boyfriend) and was put under trial by the mob (of students). He was dead during his suspension, but he eventually rose again through the power of the. Holy Spirit (student council).