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Guess I’m talkative this morning. We finished Extra Curricular. What a journey. How did that lose to Sweet Home????????? Lol. It’s easily one of the best, Bae was killing it for me 😭😭😭. Anyways. Decided to give Vincenzo 4 episodes a try even though it’s so long. Since we enjoyed the others. Doesn’t make sense to skip the more popular suggestion despite it’s length. I’m glad we did Extracurricular first though.

But it has 4 episodes to be good folks lol. Thats an epic commitment. We will also release at our pace.

Sound good.? Comment below




Sounds good.


Sound delightful my good sir. Enjoy the ride.


like like like

Anime Soundtracks

can someone tell me when the reaction for extracurricular will drop?


most likely after Sweet Home is finished being posted

raeven b.

Sounds good!! 👌🏽


sounds good to me lee

Darth J

When is extracurricular getting posted? can’t wait for the reactions, been waiting since it was first in the polls.

Darth J

I just wanted to recommend a Korean movie y’all should watch as well called The Witch: Subversion it’s has some actors y’all have seen before from My Name and also Parasite

Ophelia Pane

Did you like the ending?