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Thanks for the episode 8-9 summary.  we aren't too ahead on this show so I had a chance to read them without spoilers and make sure we are on the same page going forward.  Thanks guys

There was lots of summaries, one was fine...LMAO

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Casper Ghost

lol My worst fight as an adult was with a half naked dude at a rave; he dropped his shorts and started swinging while pissing everywhere and caught me off guard while I was dodging the piss.

Toan Greenlow

Ah, the show is soon coming to a close. I think it will get a season 2 though. Not sure


There is also the movie : Goblin Slayer: Goblin's Crown


When adorkable was asking about characters looking the same I think it’s because they just draw characters giving them the same face,different color scheme.😁😁😁😁👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾


Loved the reaction, can't wait for you to see the last two episodes. I hope my explanation last episode was useful, sorry if it was a bit long. Also, the festival they mentioned was "the Harvest festival" (common in many anime), the celebration at the end was for the Hero because she defeated the demon lord, so technically two different festival they were just close to eachother because they killed the demon lord now. EDIT: Don't forget there is also a movie: Goblin's crown

Brian Carotenuto

Another great reaction I have to admit though comment of the day was at the end when goblin slayer pulled the grass aside and saw all those footprints and Adorkable says we found stuff a lot of stuff thus I literally died laughing


lol you guys get to see why I have cow girl as my number 1 favorite in this. She def my waifu here. Hey I am perfectly fine just being the goblin slayer and not the grand hero who beat the demon lord if I get to have a bad wifey like that


I just now realized watching the episode again that in that ending scene with goblin slayer and the farmer girl when they have their moment the two moons are the green one and the red one. I am probably stretching it too much but its green for the goblin slayer and its red for the farmer girl.


Wow, thank you! I hope it helped to clear things up.

Osiris Cage

You really did say PSD haha


There is one of 3 things with the Demon Lord (I haven't readed the manga...I mean I had, but only few chapters, so I have no idea): 1. One of them haven't killed Demon Lord 2. It's the common-ish isekai tope of Demon Lord being resurected by his remaining minions after x time/just resurects himself after x time 3. It's the common-ish isekai trope of Demon Lord not being a person, but a title/class for monster so it's just different Demon Lord, either by just being it, or by taking control of large enough army and declaring "Yo bitches I'm Demon Lord now" 4. (bonus)Combination of the above

Black Hawk

Great teamwork at the end talking things through so everybody can understand & be on the same page

Kendall DeSouza

Just realized that the dice are rolling because the 'hero' and her friends are the actual D&D players playing their 'quest' in this world and these are just a bunch of nameless D&D npc out in some bumblefuck corner of the world. Clever!


The fact that Goblin Slayer found those traces proves that he was always right, everyone said that goblins are not a problem, that there is no need to check, that nothing will happen. Looks like everyone was wrong and Goblin Slayer was always right. I don't understand some people, if you have an expert like Goblin Slayer who knows everything you can about goblins, at least listen to him because he knows what he's talking about.


Only just now? I am very certain this story is made from actual D&D Campaign novel writers friends played or something like that.


Yep there has been trailer 2 announcement. It's really just confirmation for season 2, so it's not even a trailer with new content.


Time to start slaying goblins after this time of chilling.

Kendall DeSouza

The part I just put together is that the Hero is the player. Previousl i thought that GS was the player and the writers were poking fun at backstories and the sterèotypes classes are stuck with


You guys might be right about the Demon Lord still being alive but I don't think it's that weird that his army still is around. It's not a video game where defeating the Big Bad makes his leftover minions disappear.

Daniel Gonzalez

I love Goblin Slayer need to star reading the LNs again think I'm on the 7th and there's also a side story which is like a Batman year one for Goblin Slayer which would be awesome if they animated it


Are you considering watching made in abyss

Daniel Borrego

i think they said it would be basically patreon only because of copy-write shenanigans. so they probably wont. i would also love them to watch it though.

Daniel Borrego

whats been made clear in this anime is that people think goblins are trash. like fighting rats. so they look down on goblin slayer. they think hes a loser whos only good enough to fight weak monsters. only the really strong people seem to respect him. they probably all, at some point, have been screwed over by goblins.

Daniel Borrego

if you watch the movie, you can skip the first 20 something minutes because its literally a recap from the series. the movie itself is just ok.

Tijay Carroll

she wants the goblins to take out the heros party? so she wants them to be raped cause thats what goblins do to defeated girls.


No. She doesn’t want goblins raping girls. You took her words and inserted a conclusion she didn’t get to. She just doesn’t care for the heroes party. End of the point.

Tijay Carroll

im sorry i didn't mean to offend. it just how it sounded because in lore defeated = goblin rape so that is what the conclusion sounded like . again i am sorry i took it the wrong way.


Yea. It’s cool. Sometimes I have to press her so she’ll think of it. But often I’ll smile or something and move on