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I dunno what's going on with some of the comments on the last video because I wouldn't remember the fundamental difference between episodes 7 8 9 in terms of this detail.  Directornasty & Adorkablenerd extracted from THIS episode that the Hero hired Goblin Slayer to kill the goblins.  So I don't know if were supposed to get it by episode 7 or 8 but it was spelled out here...so i dunno lol.  I personally have a hard time following the adult priestess with whatever she's talking about.....

I believe it's this episode where adorkable did her own rewatch on her time to figure out the scene with the Loli not the Elf, but loli priestess since both are lolis 👀👀👀👀👀........ lol anyways yeah she figured out about the Virginity stuff with the priestess.  

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This creature was like "beholder lite". Didn't seem to have exact powers and not intelligent.

Mr. Dog

What's in my pocket is a reference to the Hobbit from JRR Tolkin.


@Morbud @botanbutton Coming in clutch with the perfect explanations to clear my confusion

Chris Ponder

Not only that, Goblin Slayer's teacher isn't a goblin, he's a really old Rhea, which is this setting's version of hobbits


Here is a quick rundown of the plot this episode, so everything is clear, because the subs are confusing sometimes. There were cultists under the city plotting to kill the Sword Maiden (blind lady), they had taught goblins how to use the teleport mirror and boats, and also placed the eyeball monster there to protect it. Since the Demon King and the Cult leaders were killed by the Hero they left the sewers, but the goblins stayed. Sword Maiden knew about the cult being there, but she didn't tell anyone, because she knew they would order her to go down there and investigate, and her goblin PTSD wouldn't let her do that. So she told everyone that there are only goblins down there, it worked too well, because now, noone was going down to deal with the threat only a couple inexperienced adventurers. The goblin threat was getting worse and nobody was doing anything about it, so she hired Goblin Slayer. She also tried to keep things under control by putting her familiar, the aligator, down there, but it wasn't enough. In the end she knowingly endangered the town and the adventurers lives by withholding information about the cult, because nobody would believe her that the Hero who helped defeat a demon lord is deathly afraid of some goblins. Hope this little rundown of the plot was helpful, love your reactions, can't wait for the Goblin Slayer finale.


When she was talking to goblin slayer at the end she was just looking for someone who understood and could help her not really for him to kill her.


Very great rundown! At the end of GB's and Sword Maiden's conversation, there's that very poignant point where she asks Goblin Slayer if there is any salvation for the 15-year old that had an ordeal with goblins. The hero defeats the Demon Lord and saves the world, but what about people like her that live every day with the trauma of being attacked by goblins? Goblin Slayer can't give her anything that she might find equal to salvation (like companionship, love, affection, loyalty, maybe even death, etc.). Still, he can promise to kill any goblins she asks him to kill, even in her dreams. 🥺 This particular scene made me love the show.


Goblin Slayer didn't ask the priest to make ice treats. He just said that he was going to make some. That's when everyone started inviting themselves. MorRud was on the money with his comment. This is not a DATING anime I don't know why its so important that you all talking about him dating someone. It's starting to get creepy. If you don't see it he doesn't think of her in that way.

Toan Greenlow

Honestly it felt so weird. Help her with WHAT? Her PTSD? Can't do anything about that. Do you want him by you 100% of the time in case a goblin shows up? Thats unrealistic


I don’t understand how y’all think the elf is a loli I can’t calculate the astronomical obvious absurdity on how the show makes her look mature and older with dem LIPS 👄🤪 she legit is just flat and not tall to call her a loli u tryna make me call robin


I was joking in the post. I don’t actually know or have a hard stance on it. I say stuff and people come at my throat and if my remark was innocent. I end up sticking with it lol


Is this issue that dating is important to me or is the issue that we are discussing what we think? Would you like us to stop sharing what’s important to us? Or would you like dating to stop being important in the first place. Would you like me to focus on what’s important to you rather than extract what i think and find enjoyable to consider? I dunno never seen show, I interpret things differently than others


How the tables have Turned "ultimate troll" trolled by Lee wierdness with "any anime female that dont look 30+". But really. cant we just all accept that Lee is "a bit" too affraid of getting canceled and not drill a topic every time character who might but dont have to be "jail time". . . . no we clearly cant, this will be memed to eternity and beyond!


Imagine calling someone else’s wife a kid 😩😩😩😩 I’m just messing around lee get it? cuz I’m the “ultimate tro11” 🤷🏾‍♂️I’m just an elf simp like how you like to simp and defend your picks 💀😹


Good rundown, that is how I understood it after many repeats of this episode and focusing on what happened. Like the dead body in the alley that was killed, wasn't killed by goblins is a big reveal that something else was the problem there too than just our green friends.


Noone Not a single soul Pausing at wrong moment (5:55 is the wrong moment in case you wonder) DNasty: Just nut into my fucking eye bro, just nut in my eye.


I think that the idea of "what is in my pocket?" has the meaning of what do I have at my disposal to use at this moment, as in his tools, his fellow adventures and his surroundings. Great reaction :D BTW. if you want to learn more about that eye monster, try looking up Beholder, it is a monster from DnD universe.

Kendall DeSouza

So in a lot of fantansy even D&D elves especially pure elves like the ranger are usually depicted or described as being really slender framed so yeah in real life she'd jusbe a flat 19 yr old


Lol. I think she passes as 19. The whole loli thing here isn’t a big deal. I also like Hestia and Rori. The only reason i kept it up is after reading the comment section “how do you even THINK SHES IS A LOLI” as if I’m completely unreasonable or i meant to be condescending. Almost anytime i feel my back against the wall for an innocent opinion or point of view….i double down. I don’t think people should be so gung ho about changing peoples thoughts. Sometimes we don’t have to agree as long as the logic makes some kind of sense


Hey man I never saw those comments sorry 🤷🏾‍♂️ But either way I don’t think it’s that deep I’m just sayin I don’t see it and can’t believe you do I’m not trying to change your opinion I was just flabbergasted in a funny way get it ????understand???


Elf isn't a loli tho. 😋😀😀😀😀😀😀


Lol. “ Imagine calling someone else’s wife a kid 😩😩😩😩 ”. I re read that. My bad yo. My bad. I felt that now