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Lmao you all can't seriously think that black clover would legit kill off anyone with an actual character by this point right? Come on. Even watching this the first time I knew the whole time that 99% of anyone important was not getting killed off. BC is cool and all but it has no actual stakes.


Well they did think some important people would be killed off, why shouldn't they? A lot of people who read the manga when it was releasing at that point also thought the same thing. So why are you acting as if they are stupid for thinking that? L take, plus ratio, plus you don't know how stakes work.


They aren't stupid for thinking that. Its obvious that tension was built up. I am saying by this point it is obvious that the show will try to twist things around to not kill off any important characters. Lmao I am dead. U really trying to do some twitter shit on patreon. Go back to twitter my guy. "ratio" lmao


Being a fan of berserk doesn't mean anything. He has shown that he is willing to twist the story and pull off asspulls that he set up to make sure important characters don't actually die. I am not saying he won't kill off someone important by the time the series is over with. A lot of shonen tend to have at least one important character death but he twisted the entire thing with Julius being dead by pulling some BS and this episode it was obvious the entire time that these characters were going to get healed somehow. It has tension but the stakes are lacking. Although according to someone this is an "L take" lmao

Derper Octinger

Directors facial expression in the beginning, every time lee said "pantry" instead of patry was hilarious hahaha


And I'm saying it's not that obvious about twisting things at least at this stage of the show. The way you worded what you were saying like you couldnt believe they would actually fall for the "deaths" to me made you look like you think your opinion is the only one that's right and that everyone has to think like you do. Kinda irritating and kind of self centered if that's the right term. Basically you came here, questioned how they could possibly think that important people would die, praised yourself for knowing they wouldn't die and dissed black clover for lacking in stakes all in one comment. This comment you wrote was really unnecessary.


Great reaction as always! Things are ramping up!


is nice seeing this side of yuno


The guy that died was a vice captain I think. He was the one that could make a rock formation of any area he’s in


Oh and for extra input langrus would’ve lost just as bad as the rest 😂


Shiren was never a Vice Captain. Langris and then Yuno were and are the only VC to be identified for the Golden Dawn.


I actually thought Adorkable was going to lose it at 25:00.


This episode had me on the brink of tears when I first aired. Seeing Bell’s wings disappear set it in stone that Yuno could’ve died. RIP Hamon he deserved better.