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Stop Spoiling the show please. I don’t need to know about the LN, Manga, whos a fan favorite, what i need to expect, none of that. I can’t even interact on thr OVA reaction because all the hints and info.

Notice I didn’t even explain that we were gonna focus on Eris and meet someone to Director although i knew that. Blind is much more enjoyable for us




lee honestly when it comes to MT might want to just ignore the comments its sad but its in both ours and your best interest.


Yeah seems like a big problem


People are annoying as fuck. You are either literally stupid and incapable of understanding or you get a thrill out of wasting your time to make someone else have a bad time by getting spoiled. If its on youtube maybe don't look at the comments. Or better yet have mods go through the comments of the videos and wait about a day until you look through them. That may give enough time for any sort of mods to go through the comments and flag them out for you. Although that requires the said person to know the spoilers and be up to date on the series in the first place. I actually did it for a little bit on reanimated. Although I don't watch them as often anymore even though I still like them. I also only was able to do it with certain series I was already informed on.


Odd that you can't ban people from commenting

Jeffrey D

Nah it makes sense. It's an included benefit. The community just needs to practice self restraint and common sense


Spoiler... the mc die and got transfer to a different world and was a kid again but know magic and tryna do better with his life then last time... Found out his father was a garbage and cheated but he end up with two sister later meet his cousin with red hair who he end up clapping her cheeks.. sheesh right? Oh forgot to mention him and his dad argue about what happen but then made up but now looking for the mother


There’s a special place in hell for those who spoil.


I've heard of people being banned from patreon tho but I guess if you really just want they money then you have to deal with it


Wasn't a spoiler but I guess everything is a spoiler these days. So basically don't say anything. Got it


YES BRUH FINALLY SOMEONE GETS IT. all u have to do is shut the fuck up


The show is designed to where it can be enjoyed fully even without knowledge of the source materials. HINTS ARE SPOILERS no matter how cheeky or innocuous they seem. I love the source material and I've read the manga and I sometimes get the urge to share things that the anime cut with my friends who haven't but I always ask them if they want to see it first.


It sucks that you now have certain expectations of a character you've yet to see much of or even do anything. I was kinda wincing each time you called poor Cliff a beta just because his crush was talking about another man lol but it wouldn't be a good reaction without that rawness. Season 2 is going to be good. Can't wait to see how many light novel volumes will be adapted.

Daniel Borrego

i wonder if they'll do LN7 or not. it seems every book gets 4 episodes or so and that would probably be enough since 7-9 are a bit bloated storywise. then ending with 12 wraps up everything nicely.