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Just 2 more episodes then it really begins


Lol Mimosa winning, that’s gotta be the best joke I’ve heard on this channel 😅

saleek smith

Mimosa is going to win she deserves it


Is cobra kai today. I’m sorry to ask here but I recently saw the schedule and saw it said Wednesday.


When y’all are talking about asta’a arm and their being another sword, he’s just in his demon mode using black divider with demon slayer one of his three swords. He also used it against the devil in the elf arc🙂


dope reaction yall, as always!!!

Toan Greenlow

See now I can finally say my peace: I'm upset Yuno is Royalty. Cause before, he was a lowly peasant, who just happened to be strong. But now, he's Royalty, so of course he's strong. It's upsetting, since BC is SUPPOSED to be about these two kids who have nothing and are trying to prove that just because they aren't special, they can be something. But... They are both special (ones royal and one has basically the equivalent of bringing a gun to a knife fight) so it doesn't track anymore. It proves that you NEED to be special to succeed


Eh idk, fans assumed for years yuno was some sort of Royal, it was blatantly obvious. Yuno works hard, but he clearly has had nothing but advantages handed to him. He’s always had above average mana, is naturally skilled with it, got a 4 leaf grimoire, and has one of 4 great spirits. Yuno has always been the definition of special outside of his upbringing. As for Asta, yeah anti magic is blatantly OP, but we’ve also had to see him struggle to use it more and more, he had to learn Ki for his fighting style to be practical, and there’s still things he naturally can’t do that even basic weak mages can with mana. I know it’s not a fully awful trade off, but at least there are some tangible downsides to Asta not having mana


I’m gonna hard disagree here. Yuno has clearly been special and naturally gifted from the beginning. No one looked at him (in the fandom at the time at least) like he was this poor destitute kid that worked his way to the top. He was naturally gifted and extremely powerful. Asta on the other hand is supposed to be the hard work person, which he is. But he was clearly special from the beginning, he’s literally the only one that isn’t an elf that can even use the swords. I think the issue is so many ppl compared the show to Naruto which began with the whole “hard work beats talent” motif that they never realized that it never existed in Black Clover. The only thing Black Clover points out is that u don’t have to be born from a certain status to succeed but they were never not special since the beginning


I completely understand. I’m in Miami so for me it was posted 12:46 am. I just ask because I wanted to know if I should stay up to watch it. But I already saw when I woke up today and left a nice comment.

Jesse Prevallet

go rewatch the first two epis. Yuno has a destiny, he is lucky, the world is pulling him into his greatness. He very much is special, the exception, the golden boy. Asta is forgotten emptyhanded passed over one, he gets no head start and must continually put in extra effort just to catch up to everyone else. Asta is special too, but like the witch queen says, its bc he is defective that he has strength

Kay M

yeah theres also the fact that all the currently revealed great spirits are each known to be serving royalty already (Fire Spirit = Fuego, Water Spirit = Loropechika, and now Wind Spirit = Yuno)


It’s not surprising at all Yuno is a prince lol the way he kept getting powerups I totally saw another title coming

Idris Naama

As someone who reads the manga currently some of the comments you say about Asta do not age well at all, unfortunately. I won't say anything else or I'll be getting into spoilers.


The one on the right called it 💀💀 he’s a prince


Sorry not really good with names I was just saying the guy on the right called it and said “ what if yuno turns out to be a prince”


The most beautiful in the show? bruh your biase for anyone that looks like robin is showing lmao. I will take noelle, mimosa, nero, and a couple of others over here in terms of beauty. That is just my stance on it. Differen't strokes for diff folks. You got a foot fetish I got a thigh and titty fetish.

Jesse Prevallet

Nero legit said, nah I'm not dating Asta, I just like to sit on that head O.o