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Mr. Dog

All the character names are based off of classes. Think of this whole world as one Dungeons and Dragons session.

Crimson Maou

goblin slaying is a very low paying job(compared to hunting higher-level creatures), basically nobody outside out goblin slayer and newbie adventurers would ever want to do it. And like they said up above there's barely any gold adventurers... most of them are likely either old and retired/dealing with big-time threats like dragons. In fact, it literally shows all this within the first five minutes... the man comes in with a golbin request with very little money and the receptionists immediatey rule out any experienced adventurers wanting to join. Rather let newbies try it, rather than banning it and essentially nobody does it since no high-level people are going to want to do it.


27:30 "fisted a goblin to death" wtf 😂😂


Jobless Reincarnations OVA.Goblin Slayer Eris just come out Lee


Everyone's name is exactly what you think it is. Goblin Slayer is Goblin Slayer. Priestess is Priestess. Guild Girl is Guild Girl. Also Goblin Slayer didn't save those rookies in this episode he let the rookies handle it themselves because they had a good team mix he went after the Goblin hoard that has already killed a team that he said "was too late for them" So the rookies that made it back to the guild accomplished their mission on their own.

Kenyatta Henry

He didn't make it in time for the 3 rookies. He said they had a goid balance meaning their skills combined would make it more likely for them to survive. All 3 of them returning alive confirmed it. He's seen many rookies die but sometimes they are able to survive meaning he has a good read on who's party is more likely to survive.

Teyon Alexander

I think he is a bit obsessed but I also think, like Adorkable stated, his obsession is justified. The experience of his youth as well as the things he’s seen goblins do since then makes his actions somewhat justified. It’s understandable that he’d become socially awkward after experiencing so much pain and suffering. There’s also a comment to be made about classism and how some things are just “beneath you” once you’ve reached a certain status. That mentality pushes those in power further away from the plight of the common man, which could eventually lead to revolt. Anyway, thanks for the reaction. Sorry for the mini novel. :)


i think you missed the whole postcredit scene


did he turn it off at the after credit scene?

Stivens Salazar

i understood the connotation of crazy you meant. He's just not human anymore, he's basically not part of society and has become a goblin slaying machine thats constantly learning. For example, how the priestess was saying that the way he destroyed the cave was excessive and couldve resulted in the whole mountain crumbling down. To which goblin slayer says, he doesnt care, as long as the goblins die. What I heard was that even if people get hurt, as long as the goblins die, he is okay with that. To me that's crazy so I agree with the use of that term.

Anderson Lake(The Bleach)

I think you misunderstood, Goblin Slayer didn't go save the group of three, he did a different mission they came back alive. Just like it's common for people to be wiped out it's also common for them to come back. When it comes to monsters goblins are still at the bottom which is why people don't worry about them or have that perception of them even if they are dangerous.


First off it was his sister that was killed and raped as he watched. She was all the family he had. He blames himself for not being strong enough to save his sister. What kind of pain would you go thru if your sister hid you in a room why men raped and killed her. He's not crazy as you'll find out as you watch. There is more to a person than just what they do and I know its not made clear just yet. Don't judge him on why he's doing something but what he does.


Yes, I was about to tell. It's not filler. WN reader here. Set up for season 2 and it's an unaired episode that comes with the BD. Just got released today.

Lucky Rabbit

I think understand what you guys are saying at the end discussion but Im not 100% sure that these villages are farming for lords or trade, i think theyre more farming for themselves. So if they get attacked by goblins, the only way they'll be able to hire adventurers is to pool enough money from everyone but with so little money circulation in the village, theyd probably wont have enough to hire an experienced Adventurer. So essentially the village would probably starve out and die before anyone else can really help them.


Man I love goblin slayer, he's just a machine marching forward grimly doing his job and nothing else.


If they are farmers they likely pay a TAXES sell their farmed goods. We have made assumptions about concepts until the show explains otherwise


One of the best parts of Goblin Slayer is all the imaginative ways he kills goblins, GS is basically a genocidal Batman who is fueled by PTSD. Also, nobody has names in the story, and you'll understand the importance of the dice in a couple episodes.


You should show Director & Adorkable the end credit scene before jumping to episode 3, although it's not that important just prelude to next episode stuff. YBRL's emotions went one big roller coaster in this episode --> from big boobs hitting to the screen ---> to crazy goblin slayer obsession on goblins --> to YBRL snapping and just starting to laugh :D


He's basically Doom Slayer but for gobbos rather than demons (demons are basically high-ranking monsters, obviously, so silver ranks would be the ones normally fighting them, along w/ the rare few Gold (usually Hero-tier Adventurers, basically) rank Adventurers. For Gold it ain't enough to just have stable decent power + experience, you have to be like truly born OP af, hence the term Hero. So as a normie, he is stuck at Silver, which is the practical cap for 99.99% of all Adventurers, since getting to Gold is heavily RNG based from birth, power scaling wise)

TAC Genesis

I never expected to see someone laugh so dam hard at GOBLIN SLAYER LOL, y'all are the best 100%


TBF village rescue quests are easier than goblin nest ones, statistically speaking; it's basically open ground area, potentially even daytime light so gobbos lose their advantage, i.e sneaky stabby hidey tactics, also they will have less gobbos there since most will be securing the nest guarding the kids etc


So? Paying taxes doesn't mean anybody will protect you; you pay taxes so YOU DON'T GET KILLED BY X LOCAL RULER, that's all. In fact this is how it has been throughout most of history, and the Ruler's knight armies only give a fuck about Castle Towns/large Cities they live inside at, everyone in the boonies can fuck off for all they care, they can just not live in the boonies after all (assuming they can afford the costs of living inside a city as opposed to countryside, that is)

Black Hawk

Time: 10:08 to 10:26. Visual and laughter combination 😆 🤣 😂 😹 😆 🤣 😂

Black Hawk

Time 11:40 to 11:50 "come on man" 😆 🤣 😂


She takes a too serious approach on the jokes and in this territory it’s danger zone. Lol

John A.

GS seems very far from human at the moment. The ladder + elbow dropping theory craft that Director imagined was hilarious. Please watch the end credit scene.


In entire Goblin Slayer story there are like 3 named/titled characters. Everyone else is called by their job/race + job in case of non-humans Aslo. Yes. Goblin Slayer is obsessive as FUCK, but he is justified in his obsession...(almost) everyone he knew was brutally murdered by goblins when he was just a kid. On top of that his older sister was tortured raped and killed by goblins when he was watching from his hidespot...with PTSD like that its a miracle he is somewhat functional as a human being

John A.

In the breakfast scene, once Cow Girl gets dressed, GS eats by sliding up the lower portion of his helmet.


Well it really doesn't matter that much, you won't lose anything for not seeing it =)


They aren't siblings they are childhood friends..... His one older sister was shown in the flashback at the beginning and that is the one that got raped and killed in front of him by the goblins.


Thiccc redhead is a love interest.


.... what happened to you guys reacting to after credits? Anyway I think it would be best to chill on the super long talks until the episode is actually over. The long discussions end up causing you to focus on something else instead of the show itself and it isn't good for a reaction. Not saying you can't talk because that is obviously part of reacting but the long and loud discussions need to wait. Adorkable does a great job at continuing to focus on the show instead of talking for 5 minutes straight and looking away from the subs and what is going on. You two on the other hand are the problem with what I just stated lol


You don't have to stop talking just keep it to a minimum instead of talking for like 5 minutes straight while the show is still going.


Ok. We’ll do our best, I don’t think we spoke for that long was anime was playing on our end.


Mainly when director started talking nonstop at some point around the time he was killing all those goblins. He just kept talking and looking away from a lot of what was going on.


So you’d like me to tell him that you’d like to talk less and just watch the show? That’s the message I’m receiving.


Sounds like you prefer AdorkableNerd’s reactions? Director and I are over talkative and look at each other too much.

Brian Carotenuto

I have to say there have been in some of your reactions that you guys started talking and was missing some of the content but that's the whole point of the reaction It is to get your reaction on the content there have been a few other reactors that I've watched where they will actually pause the video and talk about whatever caught their eye at that point in time have you guys ever thought about doing that There are no names in this anime whatever you are is what your name is goblin slayer is goblin slayer priestess is priestess Guild Guild girl is Guild girl there's other characters that will start showing up what they're described as is what their name is there are no actual names in this anime


Lmao don't listen to these clowns. This is just you being you, we cool with that; if you're a long-time patreon you'd know this is how it is and why we like you. None of that basic ass reaction stuff, we like the nuanced conversations!


No worries. I was just entertaining what he thought. No gonna change anything lol. I like to study and understand people.


Some channels or more expressive with faces or they cry or got something going. I’d expect folks that follow us like the commentary and at times means we’ll inevitably miss things. That’s just gonna happen. We do our best. I note people know AdorkableNerd and Erza read more than talking. So that’s supposed to be the saving grace.


the point of a reaction is to well- react, not understand everything and catch every little detail, then its a review more so than a reaction. If you want that theres plenty of those on youtube, or heck you can leave it in a little comment instead of insisting they just stare at the screen in silence making surprised faces every 5 minutes

Kevin Abraham

What I was thinking was why can't they just ban quests for goblins until your rank gold or something. Even if goblin slayer is silver rank, they can make him gold rank since he has experience and skill to rank up. It could stop all of this and they have the power since they control the guild and quests

Daniel Gonzalez

There aren't many gold ranked adventures they're basically like members of the heroes party silver is basically the highest rank of normal adventurers and the guild just puts up quests they can't control who takes which quests on all they can do is offer advice

Derek Owen

I love listening to how you and DNasty talk about Goblin Slayers sanity at the end of that episode. I can’t wait for the next season and to see your reaction and discussion on it


Late response but: I'm guessing its because goblins multiply enmass and limiting goblin hunts to gold ranks would leave their nests, like the one Goblin Slayer destroyed taken care of less and thus create more goblin problems for civilians. Goblins are normally weak creatures and usually they're led by something like a Shaman, which is why in the first episode they cornered them, along with the adventurers' inexperience and carefreeness ( something they should really get taught not to do before setting out )