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"She turns into little creatures because that represents her confidence. The more confident she becomes or is, that's when she can turn into larger animals." Bro! YBR. You just helped me decide another backup character to add to my DnD roster. That shit was fire my guy!


Also, Director, You called it. In the original campaign that this is based off of, The player for Pike's character was working on the show "Blindspot". Ashley Johnson is the person who played Pike in that campaign.


Stonefell meant that Archie was a pain in his balls, like a tick that he couldn’t get rid of. As for the burning part, well, he meant that quite literally.


Lol yall are wild for that opening discussion, but thats why I love these reactions.


The comment Stonewall made about burning him off his balls is cause he called him a tick, and people used to remove ticks by burning them with something.

Teyon Alexander

I think Vex's issue with Keyleth is that she knows Keyleth will eventually have to go back to her people and may break Vax's heart because of it. Not knowing how her people would react to an outsider being with their leader is a big worry.

Teyon Alexander

One way to remove a tick (blood sucking insect) is to burn it. Otherwise it burrows into your skin. He called Archibald a tick. Burning him off his balls would mean he's a tick on his balls.


Plus, Vex and Vax are half-elves. Pure-bloods generally dislike them. I know some stories where half-elves have assassination teams sent after them simply because of their mixed blood. There’s no question that Kiki doesn’t have those prejudices, but if she’s supposed to be a leader of her people eventually, then there could be backlash from the purists in her community. Vex could be worried about where that would lead, as well.


The vox Machina wiki has keyleth listed as a half-elf so that’s not it. It could just be that vex is jealous that her brother has someone or afraid of losing him. Which is irrational but a common trope in media like this

Xsardes (edited)

Comment edits

2022-03-01 06:07:10 Yea the door was totaly Roll 2 ---> Roll 1 ---> Roll 1 ---> GM: "Fuck that, roll poison for resistance"
2022-02-27 06:17:03 Yea the door was totaly Roll 2 ---> Roll 1 ---> Roll 1 ---> GM: "Fuck that, roll poison for resistance"

Yea the door was totaly Roll 2 ---> Roll 1 ---> Roll 1 ---> GM: "Fuck that, roll poison for resistance"


Oh. I thought that the Ashari would be traditional elven tribe or something like that. I actually don’t do wikis to avoid spoiling every detail. I’m fine with a couple details, but wikis tend to write out every little thing.

Thomas Stark

yeah so fun facts. Archibald (Archie's) voice actor is Merry Brandybuck from the lord of the rings movies and Keeper Yennen's voice actress is Zoe from firefly!! Just found this out today and was super excited about it.


Grog is also the name of a type of alchoholic drink so him being a boozehound def checks out


I just want to comment on the twins. You guys don’t have twins so you won’t understand there feeling. I may not be a twin but I have siblings who are twins and there so much closer and attached to each other than me or anyone in my family. I believe there is a research that twin are closer and pron to be over protective of each other.


Although you assumed I don’t understand. Sounds like we have similar understandings. https://link.shutterfly.com/UonVWWcuZnb


I didn’t know that, but your right I did assume. But you know what they say, when you assume you make an ass of yourself.


The saying is, An Ass, out of you and me. Assume is spelled Ass-u-me


having been a Critter for some time, I can tell you taht over the long campaign it was revealed that: not only is Keyleth a half-elf, but her people take in 'lost' souls. Rejects from other cultures are welcome in her clans. However, as the twins have never really been welcome anywhere, homeless and outsiders due to their half-blood, they would not be certain of being accepted by the Ashari, despite how nice Keyleth is. As well, as the twins have always survived on their own with each other, and relying on no ne else, including a third in this mix would be uncertain and even terrifying. Flirting and dalliance are fine, but Vax getting serious would be trouble in Vex's eyes.


Percival is so much fun to watch, I think so far it's my favorite character.