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Oh yeah, this is what I'm here for. The real sauce.


is anyone else having trouble with the player, my video keeps freezing while audio continues uninterrupted. could it just be a problem on my end?


I watched the whole thing. No problems on PC.


Am I the weird one ? I say "Mac-hi-na" or "Mach-i-na" im closer to saying the mac sound from mcdonnalds then I am to saying mech. BTW. Super hyped about this !! this show is awesome.


No mercy Percy in the flesh


I'm on Adorkable side. I was in the Navy and when we'd spend all of our money ashore we'd always have a place to come back to. If we had no money we'd always have a place to eat and sleep. If you remember from the first ep. of Vox after they were thrown out of the bar they had no place to go. If its between having a place an sleeping on the ground I'd pick a place.


I have this problem sometimes, i think it's something to do with patreon itself


I think there is a misunderstanding. the conversation wasn’t about having a place to stay. It was about OWNING the place you stay. We wanted the money so we could buy a place to stay. Lol. They gave a key to a place to stay and made them protectors of the wrelm. So what happens if they quit? They keep the keys or na? I’d rather the funds to buy and own my place to stay rather than rent or lease and face being kicked out for not working. anymore.

Scott Tyson

Sucks trying to make a comment without seeming spoilery. Director you on some 5head.


In the context of the show even if they got the money, they would literally piss it away on alcohol and other related stuff so kinda taking the choice outta their hands might just be better for them

Scott Tyson

Real glad you guys are reacting to this series. With no knowledge of the Critical Role campaign is cool seeing your impressions.


I know, what I'm saying is if you are young and want to live your life and not worry about a place an food its great to have someone else paying for those things. Later on in life if you want a family and stuff then what you are saying is important. Its just where you are in life one is more important that the other.


I guess to each their own. Best time to prepare is while you’re young, before you have a family. I get the context. I was always irritated watching Kaz go in debt in Konosuba. But I’m a real estate agent that reacts to Anime my whole perception of property is different. Most people come around eventually If i was a UFC fighter I’d go on and on about learning self defense or something.


They are still going to make money, they just got free property for that one job. Now if they were going to be working without pay thats a different story. This coming from a Critter and a supporter of their kickstarter. ^^


You got to remember that in medieval times and/or fantasy property is worth more than it is in our current times


When you say “free” property. Do they own it or are they allowed to stay till the land lord says otherwise? I was already having this conversation with the above comment. As a Real Estate agent. This is literally the talk i have all the time. It’s fascinating that it’s a point of disagreement


Yea lol. It’s different. Same with Witcher lol. Hahaha. I never even heard of it till now


If they CANT aquire property even with a chest full of gold. That’s a separate point


They actually do own the property. That paper was the deed to the keep. The keep isn't part of the palace it is its own land and building, but I definitely see where it can get confusing.


Scercian. I’m good now fam. Just looking out for my people. 😭😭. Don’t want them loosing their home, their land 🙌🏽🙌🏽


yes they own it. In most fantasy and medieval times deed ownership meant you owned the land. people often stole deeds because all they had to do is prove they had the deed to "own" it. That's why they often would be hidden or in some sort of safe. Also since this is based on Critical Roles D&D campaign that kind of helped my perspective too.


I don't know if they go into great detail, but i believe they can acquire property with enough money, but I believe it would have been more costly than what they probably would have gotten since property in these type of settings are more scarce. That's just my opinion though.


Yeah. I got 3 conversations with you going. But I’m cool now. Lee stands down lol


the box contained the keys and the DEED, so they own the keep


Yea with a "ma" sound and not a "me" sound :) I thought I was saying it wrong coz YBRL was saying it with a "me" sound after he said he finally got it right :D

King Uma is life

If nobody's mentioned it yet the running joke with doors is that Critical Role notoriously suck at dice rolls when pertaining to opening doors during a campaign causing them to spend way too long opening doors lol


This episode was incredible, I can't wait for the next episode. I agree with YBRL that it is not enough to be paid with a place where I can sleep and eat, but which is not mine, they risk their lives on every adventure, at least to add an extra amount of money depending on the degree of difficulty of the mission.