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Next week I'm taking Erza on a date, so I expect to only post 2 uploads of One Piece, Than I'm going out of town the week of Feb 21st my daughter's Birthday, I expect to post 1 or 2 for my daughter's birthday.  We almost caught up guys, but we skip out on family time for these videos, dates, going out, and it's taking its toll lol...more on the ladies...Lee is good, but my daughter is conscious of how much time I spend on my computer...and Erza well she's Erza.  A lot of other Reactors hold back or took long with these uploads, I love it, it's never my intention to hold back and I miss Robin.....much love guys.  
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A.J. Ramos

No problem Lee, yes, you guys are close to catching up, so if you need time for your personal lives, it's fine by me. And although I am but one of your viewers on patreon, I'd still like to address my gratitude and understanding.


to my knowledge, you guys post far more frequently than most one piece reactors anyways despite having other commitments and other anime to keep up with. You deserve a lot more than a couple days break. Thanks for the uploads!


I dunno how to read that. No need to humble yourself. Rise my friend. I appreciate you for being hair. It’s a round table my friend


It’s okay to take all the time you need for yourself. You have to take care of yourself or you’ll burn out. Appreciate all the hard work.

Luke Alba

Take your time. Don't ever sacrifice the life at home for us, the happier you are the better the reactions are right.


just 47 chapter until wano and until robin wano appearance can't wait wano will be too much packed by characters


Ur family is more important that One Piece fam plus y’all upload a shit ton y’all are more than fine. Deserve the break too tbh.


Take as much time as you need. We are spoiled by how much you all upload. Really, your family, relationships, mental health is far far more important. I don’t think you really need explain, but it is nice to know not to expect the normal amount of uploads and that that doesn’t mean you all are sick or having a family emergency or something like that. Please take you time. Those of us that love your reactions, will be here whenever you do upload.


Bro, aside from the Sanji slander, Germa is lit AF. I love them! About your point about openings. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I feel like the people who are asking you to watch the openings, are only asking you to react to the openings that are safe to watch once you get past the spoilers. So nothing is actually keeping you from watching those. Unless you're worried about the folks complaining about "wasting time" with openings all together. Then you should just ignore those people.


Well everyone else already said what had to be said so have fun. P.S I think you forget to include the one-piece tag on episodes 838-840 because I could not find it using the tag.


You can take as many breaks as you need. You guys upload way more than other content creators I've watched. I know some people will be mad and annoying but try to ignore them.


Enjoy some time away man! Yall deserve it!

Curtis Nenbhard

Amazing reaction. I never realized that katakuri tok immediate command of the brothers and sisters, and how it seem that he's respected by everyone.


I like the new beanie


I'd like to point out that Big Mom BLACKOUTS when the Hunger Pangs activate, so she has no recollection of what's happening afterwards (this is also why it's like she's on auto-pilot and can't actually stop it herself when it would logically ruin shit for her plans etc). Same was true in Elbaph, and prolly also why she didn't notice eating all the kids & Mother Carmel, she is prolly mentally fucked up due to having such a fucked up unstable body structure (prolly a mutant, since her parents were normal human sized?), which can't be good for a stable normal mind


katakuri disrespected the red brother


So towards the end of the video you guys were calling Big Mom a big spoiled brat and accusing her of throwing a tantrum, and most other times you would have a point though I can't entirely blame her for even that. After Mother Caramel and the others disappeared (read: after she accidentally ate them during her mindless feeding frenzy) "Gourmet Knight" Streusen raised her into believing that her desire to "unite" (conquer) the world into one big family that gets along is right and that anyone who tells her no or tries to stop her is "selfish" and needs to be punished, essentially bring her up to become the ultimate entitled parent and Karen all rolled into one. If Big Mom ever learned that Streusen witnessed what happened to Mother Caramel and kept the truth from her, well I don't even want to imagine what would happen to the guy, but at the very least the trust between them would be broken and the knowledge that she'd been used for most of her life might set her down a different and hopefully better path. Anyway, the moment that you referred to as her tantrum, her Hunger Pangs, is something that I'm convinced is not her fault at all. I mentioned before that I believe that her unnatural size and power are the result of the early attempts at gigantification performed by Dr. Vegapunk and other scientists like him around the world at the behest of the World Government. Her Hunger Paings? A side effect of the particular compound that gave her the size and power, and because she was literally uncontrollable in that state they had determined that it and she was a failure. After all, the World Government needed powerful giant warriors that they can control, not ticking timebombs that could end up killing their allies as likely as their enemies at any moment's notice. As for how they did it, I believe that they tricked, bribed or coerced certain doctors to give their pregnant patients the experimental compounds , to tell them that it'll ensure that they have a healthy child or something along those lines. Of course any who refused to play along or deviated from the script were dealt with accordingly, and when the experiment in large was declared a failure the WG erased any traces of their involvement including the doctors who knew too much and the subjects of said experiment. Linlin's parents likely unknowingly saved her life when they took her to Elbaf to be taken in by the House of Lambs run by Mother Caramel after they realized they were ill equipped to raise her properly, and because of that the Navy was unaware that Linlin was a subject of that failed experiment and therefore too dangerous to be taken in like all of Caramel's other orphans. Of course this is all speculation, something that has yet to be confirmed or denied in the Anime and possibly the Manga (which I have yet to read.) If it's true, however, then there might be other subjects of similar experiments out there, which might explain Kaido (whose origins have yet to be explored). Certainly gives one a lot to think about, doesn't it?


All of you guys from the group have helped me through some tough times with your reactions bringing me some laughter to my life you should have more time to yourselves but ik people will start hating in the comments nonetheless hope u have a lovely time with you’re family


Definitely something to think about. I’ll add. I/we think she’s a spoiled brat but a spoiled brat is often not by their own fault. It’s almost entirely the fault of the adults or parents. Big Mom is an anomaly because she’s too powerful for a normal person to say no to lol. So she still ends up being spoiled because her environment lacked the resources to discipline her


Anyone know where black clover ep 129 is


So we’re finally here. Wedding caaaaaaaake!

Luis CK

I think Kaido is stronger but in at that level they operate the 1v1 doesn't matter, that's why they are all looking for militar might (Big mom trying to get Germa's stuff, produce giants, and Kaido ordering smile, Luffy stumbling into running a fleet, Black beard using the Yami Yami fruit to get power). One piece does that best. It all matters.


Lee you talking about how comments say you're so smart and pronounce all the names right was funny af :,DD Honestly man you can make all the mistakes in the world but if you can laugh about it at the end of the day and have a good time then everything is all GGGG in my books


I don't know why people care so much about reading the tile of the episode it barely spoils anything. When I read the manga I never skip the title of the chapter. A lot of the titles just tell you what that episode is going to focus on, seriously I don't know where this culture of being afraid to read any and all spoilers came from. Not every anime opening is spoiler heavy in One Piece, the one that felt fairly spoilerish was the one in Impel Down, but since I was a manga reader I never really care it just make exited to see the appearances of certain characters animated.


I really like Streusen's ability it seems like matter manipulation he change the density and texture of the falling chateau. It almost seems like he awaken his devil fruit, for him to be able to change that much mass as it was falling is very impressive. Also this is fan speculation since its never been confirmed that Streusen is Perospero father. Streusen's tongue and eyebrows are very similar. Also Streusen calls Big Mom by her first name Linlin, just like another one of her former husband earlier in the arc Pound (who is the father of both Lola and Chiffon). Also Perospero is the eldest son, which will fit with the timeline of Streusen being the first husband of Big Mom.