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I was just soooooo hype for the Vinsmoke HEAT, i wanted to share early and read comments on patreon...since youtube is mean to me...this counts for wednesdays upload folks...now ya'll wait for Friday lol....i got it out my system....VINSMOKES BEST FAMILY!!! #notthesonsfault Pure fan service. Enjoy

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Kyle Kowalchuk

You get a power by eating a devil fruit, what do you get by eating a devil fruit user? Otherwise, you would need to search the globe for the newly formed fruit.

Luke Alba

you da best fam, I personally love suprises!


that Reiju transformation scene had me pausing quick af

modern viking

Yo when you guys finish this arc, are you planning on watching the trailer for the next one. i know it isnt necessary but it would be a great way to hype you guys for it

Kyle Kowalchuk

As they previously stated. Reiju was born first like a proof of concept prototype. She was not born with the same emotion killing way her brothers were. However, she was had the closest to normal early years out of them all. But she was modified as a "loyal" fighter, and cannot directly disobey Judge. Sanji was born having been effected by his mother's efforts to stop the emotional mods. However, this also cause him to reject all physical mods as well.

Kyle Kowalchuk

Reiju was not in her raid suit when she was shot.


Everyone with the name charlotte's are big mom childrens, other tnan that are the alliance called big mom family


The vinsmokes was hype but got disrespected


This arc has one of my favorite mini-boss battles in any arc


I’m with u Germa really got drip fr. Hard to hate them forever minus Judge


The Germa transformation and music is so damn good


when linlin ate the sweets the sweets got bigger representing... what the giant said to the other was ... because of that they hate linlin even more (self explain there) whats is worse than what she did on elbaf? well eat their savior it cannot be said in one piece because is a shonen but oda and the anime represented it very clear with the cherry on top of the devil fruit of mother carmel and linlin. and for the kids those are bigmom kids. for the exception of those who were sell already


So Judge's sons actually are unable to feel fear, not for their own lives nor for each other's. Their emotions were severely distorted so that they are little more than killing machines under their father's command. Sanji would have been too, but the potion his mother she took to reverse the changes Judge had modified into their unborn forms only took root in Sanji alone. For his taking away his sons' humanity, Judge doesn't even deserve to be called their father, he's just a bad excuse for a human being. However, even though he might have done so for his own selfish reasons he regained a mediocrum of respect when he chose to cover Bege's escape rather than ditch him and have his family escape instead. He didn't have to, but his choosing that route caused me to hope that he would make it out of this alive despite how I would not forgive him for all he's done. Now that's said, I'll be looking forward to Friday's video very much! It's going to be very epic, so until then.


It is weird how much I like the Vindmokes(besides the father) despite what they done. But in the end I guess they really are just products of there environment.


Were we going to get today's episode today or no? Just wondering because that's what it said in the description of this video post.


So true, I like them all except that disgusting father.