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This show....makes me happy....lol

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chibears .

I know this is an old thread but I would like to add that I believe in the manga or light novel they say that Gojo is getting paid money for the materials and is also getting paid for his labor so no I don't think he's doing it for free.

chibears .

yeah i just found it https://imgur.com/a/ieDtbeZ?third_party=1#_=_ this is from the manga and spoilers if you haven't seen past the juju arc yet but yes Marin does pay him for everything


Makes me happy too . It’s like a breathe of fresh air from all the other anime’s . Like I don’t have to worry about anyone possibly dying or a crazy plot twist . Just wholesomeness. 😂

Hentai Man

Best show of the season, imo


I couldn't hold it any longer after episode 3 and I started reading the manga. I absolutely love it, so no regrets. Wholesome + horny best combo xD

Daniel Borrego

gojo's totally a simp. guys does like 1000$ in work for her for a happy meal. its not even his business. they're not even really friends. hes known her for a week. imagine meeting someone then the next week you are laying down hardwood floor for them in thier house for a sandwich. and they're not even there helping you, they are out with thier friends. do you think gojo would go so far for a male friend?


Haha :D awesome reaction and crazy funny after discussion.

Daniel Borrego

for those of you who are interested. this is the girl who sings the outro music and does the voice for one of the characters doing cosplay for marin and quite frankly she nails it! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sRS8Otwbo7g


If someone believes Gojo is a simp. It’s 100% reasonable. At this moment. She’s his first friend that i know of. She’s literally the nicest person to him outside of family and she’s actually sincere and deserving. I’m 100% confident being a girl has an added effect but that’s normal to me. Simp or not lol. I’m nicer to girls over boys majority of the time. Even if I don’t like them. Just because i have old fashion views and i think girls are beings men should go the extra mile for in general lol


Yo Lee why you out here giving all the sauce?!? You a rat😂😂

Jaheem Ali

Mehn I was listening to Lee in the outro, Im like Lee spittin right now, then me and Director had the same reaction. Hold on Lee, Why you snitchin, LOL


Lol. Interesting trying to get them lady viewers lol. I also stopped doing those tactics late college’s. Just wanted a good woman lol. Y’all keep playing hahaha


Everyone also stumbles over the name so shortened lol.

Daniel Borrego

the only part about that i take issue with is that he JUST met her. that a lot of work to do for someone you just met. first friend or not. i also dont think its just because shes a girl, its because shes a smoking hot girl ;) if she actually put in equal effort on her front for him, i would be more forgiving, but he's doing like all the work an she just occasionally talks to him. her trying to bring him some food was nice though, but maybe make him a lunch or something.


Yea. He just met her. But remember. He has zero friends. Apparently nobody is nice to him Lol. His bar or Standard is way different. She’s not 1 out of 10 friends. She’s The friend. He just met her and she has 100% accepted his little a Doll quirk. He was basically alone before her. Although she’s smoking hot and you’re right i feel she’s smoking hot for 2 reasons. 2 show she’s out of his league yet Entertains him. A girl on her caliber actually talks to him? Then we see the baddest chick in school has her own insecurities? Wow. The second reason frankly is for simps like me to want to watch the show. Lol. I literally decided to give it a go from s spoiler image of her feet. Otherwise I’d skip it lol. But we can’t pretend she’s not beautiful in terms of the plot. I think THIS CHARACTER would go out his way for her if she was average looking. But Lee may not have given it a chance if she was Average looking. By now I don’t care for the fan service. I like the story


The discussion at the end of the episode was funny, YaBoyRockLee says only facts, I thought everyone knew this stuff, but it probably depends on age and experience.


This is a really wholesome anime altogether. I'm curious how everything will pan out from here.

Black Hawk

Fam you lie in April is my favorite. It's alot of emotions fam

R'ja Norr

Now that she's had Gojo, all other guys are a no go. XD


Daniel I think the issue is your viewing the relationship as contractual when that’s just not how these things work. Relationships by there nature are not true ply equal to everyone. And how each individual values something varies greatly as well. For him just having a friend is worth a lot and making these things is fairly easy. For her him doing this for her means a lot and hanging out with him is easy. Generally neither of them feels pushed in this relationship. (Though he himself is a bit of an overachiever when it comes to his work)

Black Hawk (edited)

Comment edits

2022-02-02 16:48:30 Gojou went from no friends to the most popular girl as his friend & more to come. If making good clothes they will come 😆 Cuz Gojou made Marin Kitagawa cosplay on point watch other females ask who made it. It's Ike word of mouth. When Marin Kitagawa speaks other listen. Can't wait for Gojou to handle more ladies measurements lol
2022-02-01 11:16:08 Gojou went from no friends to the most popular girl as his friend & more to come. If making good clothes they will come 😆 Cuz Gojou made Marin Kitagawa cosplay on point watch other females ask who made it. It's Ike word of mouth. When Marin Kitagawa speaks other listen. Can't wait for Gojou to handle more ladies measurements lol

Gojou went from no friends to the most popular girl as his friend & more to come. If making good clothes they will come 😆 Cuz Gojou made Marin Kitagawa cosplay on point watch other females ask who made it. It's Ike word of mouth. When Marin Kitagawa speaks other listen. Can't wait for Gojou to handle more ladies measurements lol

Daniel Borrego

all i saying is its not wholesome nor healthy that one person put 98% of the work into a relationship. marin has done basically nothing these past 4 episodes except fanservice for us. sure she acted as a catalist for gojo to be a bit more social, but can you really call this friendship at this point. hes just working for free for her to please her while she gives nothing of any value back. you could say she's comforting him, but that ignores the fact that the things that are making him uncomfortable are 100% her fault :D Its why i prefer toradora or nagatoro because theres at least a give and take to the relationships. That being said, this series is only just beginning, so hopefully it will develope some more.

Luke Alba

I did not expect this show to get his emotional. Great watch Thanks fam!

Brendan Gallagher

I think part of the issue is him though, she offered help when his grandpa got hurt, tries to talk to him more, gave him her number etc. but he is really awkward at communicating. Like in this episode he never even mentioned to her how tight making the 2 week deadline, he took it all on himself. If he spoke up even once she would totally have been fine with him taking his time.


You guys are hilarious

Daniel Borrego

I think the thing people are getting wrong her is that marin is not gojo's friend. they aren't friends. they're more like contractor and client except that in this case the contractor doesnt get any compensation for his work. Think about it. EVERY time they've hung around, its been in service to this project with the one exception of marin trying to comfort him about his grandpa at school.


There is such thing as work friends lol. It doesn’t take a lot to match the definition of friendship. It can be a very loose term. I think if someone perceives them as friends. It’s within the wrealm of reason. Can’t say it’s wrong. I’m busy. I don’t hang with Directornasty or AdorkableNerd but i label them as friends because it’s not that serious of a word. “ a person whom one knows and with whom one has a bond of mutual affection, typically exclusive of sexual or family relations. "she's a friend of mine" “. Obviously I’m closer to one than the other based on mutual interests. I’m sure you can tell who. And one takes my kid although we don’t actually hang out personally. But we care about each other and can trust each other. Friends lol.


I would say at this point to the girl, but don't go fucking with random guys like the girl you are cosplaying :D


I'm with Director, Lee just gave the whole formular at the end