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Queen Hiling aka Queen Healing. lol


I agree, the mom was trying to bubble wrap boji, like they said in 86, be it made of pity or hate a cage is a cage.


Yep so many grey characters in this show, man.

Jaheem Ali

I was pleasantly surprised with the mom, most of the time the step mom is evil,it was a good change from the norm. I'm with Director mom a baddie and i felt bad for doubting her before lol.


Headline for this show throughout really "can't be judging people" :)


Queen mommy looking noice and and got some shots where she look thiccc. She look way better with her hair down.


Queen Hiling who has healing powers. Hiling = Healing coincidence? Of course not 👩🏻‍⚕️🏥


Ep 3 is what cemented it for me. This show is just that good :)


Tbh, right now, Bojji isn't really fit to be king even if you like him or not. Maybe in the future though who knows.


I definitely thought it was a Joffrey/Cersei dynamic, but the moment the mom jumped out the window to save Boji – all doubt out the window lol. She is a good woman, she is just looking slightly more out for her kid, and mostly because she honestly believes Boji isn't ready.

Peacefinder Simply

she isn't looking out more for her kid from my impression, it just became obvious of her views with boji with him being disabled that she has higher expectations for daida and sadly looks down on boji.


Deam, I knew it's good, but THAT IS GOOD! The mom went from "Cersei ripoff" to a really good, and realistic character. She was a good mom, then she had her own son, and got a bit colder, but at the end of the day she wasn't anti-Boji, she truly belived that he is not qualified to be king...aaaand she is kinda right, no matter how bad Boji problems are he clearly is not fit to be king...yet. Will he be in the fture? Yea, totaly, it's kinda obvious considering he is MC


man, this show really does well with the layered personalities. Queen Hilling and Bojji's dynamic is so heart warming.