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I was called evil in the comment section for being excited for the main character of the show. Here is my sincere apology video 🙏🏽



Reactor Apologizes For Eren Yaeger Support. Fixing future Attack on Titan reactions

Attack On Titan Apology VideoTiktok https://www.tiktok.com/@yaboyrockleeTWITTER https://www.twitter.com/YaBoyRockLee_Twitch https://www.twitch.tv/yaboyrockl...


Matthew B

lol, some real snowflakes in the comments


Why are people such snowflakes he’s the main character who else am I supposed to root for??? cuz it’s definitely not jean or Connie, Armin definitely but I’d rather root for the drip duo 😹😹😹

Destiney Marie

I cannot this made my day😭. Like why were people so pressed can they not understand the concept of an opinion😂?


It’s sad you even have to talk about stuff like this Lmao why can’t people just enjoy a reactors different point of view


Fuck them niggas lmao


No worries guys. I see a comment and I’m inspired to make original material 🤷🏽‍♂️. Win for us. I’m most creative when I’m being attacked lol

zirath ashe

Not sure if its real or a joke, if its real, then im sorry to hear/see this. If its a joke, lol. I did watch the video but didn't really understand if it was a real situation that you were poking fun at, or if you were joking and there was never any negative comments.


Yes, YBRL. You are evil incarnated...you are the founding titan.

Black Hawk

Preach fam. Too funny real talk


I poked fun at the comments on most recent reactions which was ep s4 ep 18 on youtube


Yes let’s cheer for the beast titan. The guy who kill levi and all the scouts.


Theres no reason people should be angry you support an MC you’ve followed for 4 seasons vs characters we’ve had less than a full season to get used to




Lmao this is too funny! Just ignore them snowflakes pls


I don't know what is more funny. The skit itself, or snowflakes getting offended by litteraly the same thing for like...6th time? When will these people learn that perfect MC is just generic, and boring as fuck...aaaaand Hero turning into villain or straight up Evil MCs are just objectivly the best


Rock D Cap and Rock D Clown the real MVPs

God Enel

This lol people hating zeke and riding erens dick are so confusing to me 😂



You do intentionally try spoiling AOT time and time again. Go touch some grass.


Bro you come and antagonize attack on titan fans. That’s not the kinf of environment I foster. The motto is , if you don’t like a show. Leave that community alone and comment on the material on the shows your here for. We arent gonna entertain people picking over anime every week


So if i see it. I’ll just delete and move on. Nobody needs to log on and go into a bad mood. Place for escape and general entertainment

Matthew B

yea because youre a dickhead that constantly drops spoilers. Fuck you. Seriously you are on like every reaction channel and always act like the same piece of shit in every one of them. Dropping spoilers, insulting people who like the show you are commenting on. Dude, who hurt you? Get help.


Aot fan base is the most toxic ever. Followed by my hero…

God Enel

Im not saying hate zeke or anything its just funny they are pro eren and anti zeke im like homie they are the same team lol


Sorry for late reply to this, but I like more redemption villain/heroes. Going evil and just being evil isn't that fun either, I like more try be good --> get f:ed --> go revenge/evil --> learn from it --> try to do things more neutrally with better understanding of the world.


No problem with late reply my friend. I have notyfications. Redemption storys are great, when done right, but it's rare. And hero--->villain--->redemption is extreamly rare. I honestly can think only abaut one case like that: Lelouche, and even that is kinda generic with "redemption by death for greater good", but Zero Requiem is done so masterfully noone would dare to criticize anything abaut it.