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Do black clover fans want 142-148 filler episodes reacted to?

There is no reason to argue or be rude with each other in comments. The opinions should be directed at me. Everyones opinion is welcomed. That’s why I post this.
if you are NOT a black clove fan…you should ignore this poll



This is going to probably be pretty equal

Dimple leader

I wouldn't mind seeing more black clover


As long as we get episode 151 I’m good with whatever 💀


Black clover filler is actually pre solid as far as filler goes


Depends who the episodes Is focused on for me personally. I have the same battle with One Piece lol. 😅


142-148 fillers comes back for the final arc near 160-170, so you sort of need to know what happened


They are not bad, but to use over a week on it would not be nice, so I vote no or maybe in a bundle. But worth to watch on your own time.


even though it a filler, the final arc will feel more impactful if you watch it


It builds character yes even though we know it’s a filler. I hope we get to see it! I can get people not liking filler. A lot of filler tends to ruin the experience for some but I think black clovers filler is pretty decent. Most of it at least


Also just for curiosity’s sake does that mean you guys are currently around there or almost there in the story at this moment? Yea I get the record multiple in advance type deal I’m just curious


i legit voted both because it really does depend on the viewer. if you guys don’t mind watching them go for it, if you feel you don’t need to don’t either way we are here for you guys’ reactions…..but i just say please definitely watch from 151😂


Please skip it, I beg, it is very uninteresting and I do not think it is worth it

Luiz Neckel

I think these fillers are pretty good because they basically give more context to the realm situation after the elves attack and also about how there's a lot of dissatisfaction with the nobles and magic knights, and how it's going to get a lot worse if they don't change things like discrimination against those with little mana, it kind of goes to show that what happened to the elves can easily happen again only this time being the people of the realm, also it's not those nonsensical fillers that won't be used for anything actually they add a lot to the next arc in the anime.


A lot of the fillers are important. They setup a character development and growth. Missing them will leave you with WTF moments when you watch episode 158.154 is extremely important.


I personally enjoyed it but there are plenty that didn't. I'm fine with whatever ya'll pick as far as this filler arc is concerned.


Definitely yes bc i need y’all reactions to to be span out 🥲 I don’t want this reaction series to end so soon

Kay M

Yeah these fillers are anime canon which means they were supposed to be added to the manga originally but the author couldn’t due to lack of time or deadlines. They are all parts of the story except for the recap episodes


Bro it’s actually a pretty good watch hundred percent support it


I watched them and enjoyed most of the episodes. I would not mind watching your reaction to them since they will give you some context to the manga canon episodes.


I personally actually like filler episodes for Black Clover especially. 142-148 is really good as well


Rock D. Lotus?


I enjoyed them but if you decide to skip them please start watching from ep 151


It’s anime-only but I wouldn’t call it filler, it’s used in anime canon and adds to the story…clips episodes, joke episodes, that’s filler. Although some of the upcoming clips episodes have new canon content at the end, so skipping the whole episode loses something

Mugi reacts

I’m literally the tie breaker right now (feels good to hold the power in my finger)🤣🤣🤣


I would really like to see these reactions 😊


why have a vote if your just gonna watch them anyway


There's like maybe a couple good ones in there, but at the start especially I think the filler episodes were pretty shit, excepting 1-2 good ones in the 142-148 cluster

Phonic Reassignment

the dreaded filler arc.... honestly i stopped watching and picked it back up at like 150ish after 130ish..... maybe a montage lol


Some of ya'll seem a bit confused by what this poll is about....

Ernest Mitchell

Personally I skipped them but I think it would be more content for you guys. I like seeing you guys talk shit, theory craft and make jokes. If you lose interest, you can always skip the rest.


Watch from episode 151


I think it would be good to watch them, some of the episodes contain interesting information. In addition, there are only 7 episodes, not even that many. Only recapitulation episodes should be avoided.


These episodes help to build the character of some characters if you skip them, some moments in future episodes may not have the same impact. But maybe 2 episodes should be grouped together in a video.


The fillers have some fun parts in them so I’d say it’s up to you weather you wanna watch them or not. I say at least watch them in your own time


I personally don't mind the filler.


I recommend starting at ep 151


There’s a lot of talking and nothing going on in these fillers


pls start at ep 151

Luiz Neckel

there's also the fact that they are anime canon, basically it was supposed to be in the manga but the author couldn't put it on for some reason


I still say watch from 151

Toan Greenlow

They want to keep that a secret. But based on what they've said, they are probably between 130-140

Kay M (edited)

Comment edits

2021-12-31 22:55:26 if you guys end up not doing reactions for the filler thats fine but I highly recommend just watching them on your own time at least since its all technically canon material to the series even if it's not in the manga
2021-12-31 22:55:26 if you guys end up not doing reactions for the filler thats fine but I highly recommend just watching them on your own time at least since its all technically canon material to the series even if it's not in the manga
2021-12-31 22:55:26 if you guys end up not doing reactions for the filler thats fine but I highly recommend just watching them on your own time at least since its all technically canon material to the series even if it's not in the manga
2021-12-31 22:00:21 if you guys end up not doing reactions for the filler thats fine but I highly recommend just watching them on your own time at least since its all technically canon material to the series even if it's not in the manga

if you guys end up not doing reactions for the filler thats fine but I highly recommend just watching them on your own time at least since its all technically canon material to the series even if it's not in the manga


Those are filler episodes?