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I can't believe you suspected the poor girl (Koinatsu Oiran) for no reason, she didn't do anything suspicious all season. 😂🤣 The female demon is attractive and sexy (she looks like an expensive prostitute) but I would say that Koinatsu Oiran is more beautiful, more elegant, more stylish, she is the kind of woman you would like to marry.


Next episode is fire af I promise!

Echo The Dolphin

to be honest the train demon looks stronger


Enmu?? Or akaza?? Enmu is weak af compared to both Daki and Akaza lol but if it’s Akaza you’re talking about He’s way above Daki as well Upper 1-3 are invincible

Echo The Dolphin

@Sharky Pikachu i said the train guy "looks stronger" i did'nt say he is stronger than the lady you need to double check peoples message before answering lol


Also, I would think Tanjirou would have smelled her in some way. Like how Zenitsu immediately heard Daki's sound and knew she was a demon. Tanjirou would have known immediately if Koinatsu was a demon by her smell.


How does he "look" stronger though? Besides becoming a whole train, lol.


In theory he would be OP af if not for Tanjiro Inosuke & Zenitsu having supernatural sensory abilities that can enable them to counter his ability by predicting where it is. He almost fucking got Tanjiro by scamming him w/ a fake out so he thought he was in a dream and almost killed himself to wake up from it, and he only got saved cuz of Inosuke I think

Echo The Dolphin

@botanbutton then you don't know japanese culture, trains is Japan's pride and joy they love trains so being a train monster is a big thing plus its in a movie


Like saying Darkseid looks stronger than superman. To me he does due to bulk, size and character design. Often superman is stronger than people bigger than him. So to me saying “he “”look”” stronger can be an innocent remark.

Echo The Dolphin

@YaBoyRockLee yup he looks stronger like saying that buff chiseled guy looks stronger only in looks but a summo is more stronger