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Yennefer's the Robin to Jaskier's Franky. black hair and a iron grip I think we found Rocklee's type


The reason he has those body parts prolly, is because while Dopplers can shapeshift into any person they see, they generally have to observe the person to copy them perfectly, and this can be difficult if there's been some other forms shifted into or some time has passed, and you don't quite recall what the person looks like 100%. Thus if he likes a specific body part of a specific person, he will chop it off & take it, so he can look at it at any time, and do a partial morphing of different body parts of his own, using said trophies as templates to fix up his ideal skin to "wear", so to speak


I don’t think Geralt sympathizes with monsters at all. He does sympathize with people who have been cursed though. That’s different.

Toan Greenlow

I believe the Law of Surprise is that you have to give someone something you DON'T know you have, and the first thing you find, you give. Weather it's a piece of meat in the fridge or a child is irrelevant, so long as it's the first thing you find that you didn't know you had. I COULD be wrong, but I specifically remember that Geralt had said "Fine I enact the Law of Surprise. You will give to me that which you have, but do not know."


Brother just needed to bust a nut LMAOOOO


Lol if you think about it, Tissia bought Yennefer and treated her like shit at first because it was a tough love kind of thing. And if Yennefer didn’t succeed, she would’ve been turned into an eel to power Aretuza like the other girls that failed. Tissia has done a lot for her but she definitely isn’t a saint.

Teyon Alexander

This.^ Also marriage isn't always the choice if it's a child but it is popular.

Daniel Borrego

yennifers a freak. you guys should play the witcher 3. its probably one of the best rpgs ever made. it takes a while to get going but then its just amazing.


The law of surprise (as far as i'm aware) is the next thing you are surprised by. So an example could be if you go home and someone gifts you a car. That's something you were surprised by. I could be wrong since i'm working on the same amount of information as you guys.


The Butcher of Blaviken is the name Director was looking for in the begining of the video LOL, btw he got that name after he killed Renfri's squad at Blaviken


The law of suprice litteraly says "You will give me whatever you already have, but you don't know you have it". Example. You safed a guy from monster on his way home, you claimed law of suprice as payment. And back home that guys wife bought him a new cloak...your payment is that cloak. And in case of kids it's not "oh so you will get to marry the kid"...nope...it's "a bit" darker, you litteraly own the kid


Witcher 3, as a name suggests is a 3rd game in the series. First one aged really poorly (mainly combat system, it wasnt good then, and its awfull now), the story is good, but gameplay not so much. Witcher 2 however is a great game in every aspect. One can jump straight into witcher 3, and get 95% of the story no problem, but there is a lot of sidequests that build on the Witcher 2 events


thanks for putting out consistent heat yo


The predictions on this one😂😂


From what I understand Law of Surprise is: The Law dictates that a man saved by another is expected to offer to his savior a boon whose nature is unknown to one or both parties. Geralt did not know that the princess was already pregnant when he chose Law of Surprise. Plus, from what I understand, it's not the fact that you have to take his daughter as a wife, but you actually own her person (practically the poor girl has no choice). Geralt is a good guy, he won't take advantage of her, but I'm sure other people could take advantage of this law.

Luke Alba

Great reaction. The third wish is a pretty big mystery and I'm not sure how it's gonna play out. The reason why the law of surprise is so respected though is because it never fails lol. Also, I feel like a really good line was from the leader in Brokilon forest when she told Cirilla that we make our own fate while knowing more or less who she was at that point. Meaning you might have a big role to play in some larger scheme, but how you act will determine the results that follow.

Brandon Gonzales

Fam Geralt saves Yennafer because Geralt is in love with her and that’s Ciri mother in law sort of speak just like Geralt is Ciri father and friend and family and I truly truly suggest at least read one book of The Witched I promise u won’t regret since y’all love reading so much plus the book explains a lot in there on what u need to know and what’s important to focus on and even tho the show in going off the books but they changed a lot from the books but they still did justice on the story and show


Haha YBRL "I am not simping...yeah I am simping!" :D

Luke Alba

They are still watching the first season so they don't know about the complex relationship between those characters other than the small amount shown so far. Keep that in mind when your typing in info for the show. I get it I'm just as excited but I want them to have a genuine reaction, all good though.


Yeah this is pretty much a spoiler, let the story unfold and let them go blindly into the episodes