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on the last batch of skipped episodes i read some feedback about watching it. I normally skip filler/recaps and follow the Manga Canon. Although I’m watching the Anime. Its the based on feedback of the past folks literally telling us to watch “on our own time”. go Ahead and select your choice.  i may re poll if there is something I forgot


Manga Canon Episodes:1-45, 48-49, 52-53, 62-67, 70-92, 94-97, 100, 103-130,144-195, 207-212, 217-219, 227-278, 284-290, 293-302,304-316, 320-325, 337-353, 355-381, 385-405, 408-417,422-425, 430-452, 459-488, 490-491, 493-496, 500-505,507-519, 521-541, 543-573, 579-589, 591-624, 629-632,634-652, 654-656, 658-678, 680-689, 691-730, 732-736,739-746, 752-774, 776, 779, 783-788, 790-802, 804-806,808-877, 880, 886, 891-894, 897-906, 908-914, 916-923,925-933, 935-984, 986-988, 990, 993-1005

Mixed Canon/Filler Episodes:46-47, 61, 68-69, 101, 354, 421, 489, 520, 574, 625, 633,653, 657, 679, 690, 731, 738, 751, 777-778, 789, 803, 807, 878-879, 881-885, 887-890, 915, 924, 934, 985, 989,991-992

Filler Episodes:54-60, 98-99, 102, 131-143, 196-206, 220-226, 279-283,291-292, 303, 317-319, 326-336, 382-384, 406-407,426-429, 457-458, 492, 542, 575-578, 590, 626-628,747-750, 780-782, 895-896, 907

Anime Canon Episodes:50-51, 93, 213-216, 418-420, 453-456, 497-499, 506, 737, 775



The only thing that is skippable is straight up Filler. If you skip any mixed canon/filler, especially in this arc, that will be a huge mistake as much of the essential episodes are marked as such.


Mixed Cannon/Filler still have Canon on it so don’t skip they are important


i just want to inform you that after 800 other than fillers movie episode watch everything cause mixed filler is important like in 777 and 778 are the episode of royal going to revire you will miss vapol and sabo adopted jerk brother position in the upcoming arc or just simply a 12 ep revire

Markus Andre Midtbø Kjørsvik

IF they skip mixed canon/filler, they will miss a lot of important events, information, fights etc... THE ONLY EPISODES THAT NEED TO BE SKIPPED ARE 895-896, and maybe 907. IF THEY SKIP MIXED CANON FILLER THEY WILL MISS THE REVIREE ARC, the introduction of one of the most recent fan favorite characters, Sanji vs P....... .ne, Kaido vs O....n, gear 4 luffy vs thuder bagua, etc. And most likely most of the up-incoming fights from the manga. There is no way they should skip any episodes bar episode 895-896 and maybe 907.

Markus Andre Midtbø Kjørsvik

And there is no excuse of "they should watch the Mixed (Manga) canon/Filler on there own time." because these are important to the story, I was very disappointed when they decided to skip 777-778 because I wanted to see Vivi, I wanted to see Lee's reaction to what has happen to Kobra, and I wanted to see what Erza thought about Koby and Rebecca's meeting!


I think I might have originally voted to skip all fillers/etc because some reactors are impatient (as are viewers), but you guys seem to really enjoy the smaller/random moments with the crew so it might be worth watching some fillery stuff just in case you miss parts that do add to the cannon story Really don't mind in the end tho. I'm not one to complain about that sort of thing


The thing about One Piece is that they adapt one episode of Manga to anime and well, since a Manga episode could be shorter because they are just drawings and such they tend to be extend those episodes in anime so much. I don't know, it's up to you but I think theres still valuable information, even if it's just a tiny bit, can help you understand something later on. I will add that for people who read manga like me its something that we can do since we got all the information that we need to continue the story/plot of the anime without much problem but yeah, like I said, they can put some info inside those fillers that you could need. I dont think its a NECCESITY but yeah. And yeah, it will be a problem for those who you to react for things related to the main story line. I literally prefer for you to watch those offline and only put reactions about the main story line. But in the end it's up to you I guess.


If you skip the manga /anime fillers will miss some info leading to major plot lines later on I can't say because don't want to give spoilers and does expand on the world of onepiece


They never should have mixed canon and filler stuff but sadly they have and it makes this more complicated then it needs to be. Curse you Toei!!

Markus Andre Midtbø Kjørsvik

I DO THINK IT IS A NECESSITY! How many great fights do you want us to miss because you don't know which episodes are labelled Mixed CANON/FILLER! Also they have reacted to canon /fillers back in Dressrosa, had no major problems with it! There are 18 Mixed Canon/Filler, and I recommend that they don't skip a single one! 7-8 of them are in the reveriee arc which has 10-12 episodes! And in those 7-8 episode the quote on quote Filler is even Canon Material (Flashbacks)


Wow what a close poll!!!


Whatever was the result please don't skip 807


Mixed filler sometimes has important manga scenes. I think at this point in the anime, the only ones to skip are the full filler episodes.


I normally do not comment because that is not my thing but looking at the results of the poll so far I am not sure if some of the people voting know what Mixed Canon/Filler is. Mixed Canon/Filler is basically Manga Canon with flashbacks added or Manga Canon with a few added scenes to extend Manga Content. If someone in here did not vote for - React Mixed Filler/Cannon ALSO. I would tell them to go watch all the episodes listed as Mixed Filler/Canon and vote again. I do not know how someone who has watched One Piece can tell you to skip those episodes. (I am a bit confused by this)


🤷‍♂️ Some of them might REALLY hate flashbacks which I get but there is important real time stuff also included.


For example carrots motivation to be on the straw hats ship has been missed by skipping the last mixed/canon episode.


only skip 100% filler episodes from now on. the majority of anime canon episodes are important to the story with the exception (in my opinion) being episode 775 although there are none left from this point forward. mixed filler/canon episodes have a lot of manga related content with a couple minutes of filler and they are quite common at the end of an arc to allow manga to get ahead. they are still a must watch.


Really seeing the polls after commenting 7hrs later I think many of them who vote not to watch mixed filler are first time watchers or watching second time with them after their own and know far less how imp this mixed Cannon are toei already messing not placing the cover story adaption in best possible place like how Lucci became cp 0 and now if you skip mixed Cannon you are in big confusion


you should change the option to skip 100% filler, but keep the mix because it's important, just skip the filler parts in the episode

Luke Alba

I'd of the opinion it's more fun to see your reaction when you've seen the full content and are fully invested. Some people might get bored with certain tid bits but it's not them reacting to it. It's y'all so however you feel is best, let it flow, the content always feels better natural. That being said, full episode fillers don't really serve much of a point other than fan service so I didn't enjoy them that much. I was also watching weekly though so those episodes were always like daggers in the heart when we wanted fresh content. Like sheesh the wait for the sabaody reunion was unreal.


WAIIIT A MINUTE ROCK LEE HOLD UP. As someone whos a big one piece fan and watched all the episodes. DO NOT SKIP FILLER/Mixed Canon. Because some filler isnt even filler. Or it is a filler but with useful information to the plot. Now if its obviously filler like a collab, or something random is just happening then obviously skip like movie recaps. but some filler is relevant.


Exactly. They probably don't even understand what Mixed Canon means. They're probably just seeing the "filler" in the choices and voting against it not knowing anything. Regardless, with this many comments against the skip and none (currently) supporting it that should be enough to get Rock Lee to reconsider his stance on the Mixed Canon for this series.


That's easier said than done. Actually it's practically impossible without knowing what part of the episode is filler (if any of it is) and what's not. It's far simpler to just watch all episodes that have any canon material and just leave the 100% filler episodes by the wayside.


The issue isn't about whether to watch filler episodes or not but rather if they should watch the mixed canon episodes. Of course the episodes that are 100% filler are going to be skipped (not that there's that many left). It's the episodes which part is based on manga canon and part is either anime canon or filler, that's what we're voting on if he should watch or not. By choosing not to watch it he's denying himself and Erza information that could be found in the manga as well as some great moments that made fans of so many of us. That's the issue up for debate here.

Etdah Etdah

mixed filler/canon is worth to watch imo.


It's important to watch the mixed filler/canon, otherwise you wouldn't understand many parts of the series. I believe most of the people that voted no might've thought you were talking about regular filler episodes, because that's what I saw at first glance.


It seems overwhelming comments voting for watching the mixed filler/canon. I agree. Only straight filler you may want to skip. It is not complete to skip the mixed filler/canon and maybe feeling weird later wondering if you have missed something leading to the plot or straight up intentional , then you would be in a position of dilemma or predicament whether to go back or not.


I still can't believe how the poll is supper close for more than 12 hrs i guess when the answer should be obvious just skip full filler episode and watch mixed canon cause it damm canon


mixed cannon is great


Wow, didn’t expect this to be spilt at exactly 50/50. Bottom line is, people who want the filler skipped just want you to catch up to the weekly eps ASAP.

Caramel Martian

Will you be reacting to the recent One Piece movies. Z, Gold, and Stampede? If I recall, You can watch Z and Gold as Gold takes place after the events of Dressrosa. I can't be too sure though so someone might have to correct me if i'm wrong


It after dressrosa and before zou basically until early wano hit he can see any movie other than stampede


Yeah I do this for my siblings but I’ve read the manga and watched the anime before it’s not practical when you don’t have someone there to guide you.