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He literally had to kill Renfri, saving the whole town but they paid Geralt by stoning him. He should’ve let Renfri killed them all. They are some ungrateful people!


Director Nasty: kill them all, let God decide His own


I think Stregebor was just full of shit, and conducting a witch hunt on truly innocent minor children. The only princess that ever did anything bad did nothing outside the norm for someone who's life was destroyed. Not only that, but at some point im fairly certain its revealed Renfri was on his radar mostly because of complaints her step mother made to try to be rid of her. Could be wrong, it's been a awhile

Solivigant Kaiba

YES!!!!!!!!!! That is all. Thank you for the food.

Nelson Kelso Martinez

Toss a coin to your Witcher!!!! Let’s gooooo!!! Gearing up for season 2 baby, have you guys played any of the Witcher games? Witcher III is in my top 3 of all time 🙌


I'm so excited about this series on the channel!


Oh nice choice, happy you picked some fantasy TV show next and with season 2 coming out too. Wheel of Time was just fun suggestion as it's new and season hasn't even finished yet on that =). This will be fun Witcher is amazing story.


Be careful with the timeline this show can get confusing


I just love how Henry Cavill is actually a huge nerd.


Ah yes...Destiny...a word you will hear alot more :D


Funny story, Henry Cavill was a big fan of the games the show is based on; so he had his agent pitch hard to land the role

Luke Alba

let's go this is for sure my favorite netflix show


I was planning to watch this again before S2 but I think this will be more fun. Thanks!

Avalon Glynn

Had to put on my glasses when this notification came up


nice Witcher is so cool to clarify Witchers are monster hunters and they don't help anyone for free they are cold. Witchers can use magic but not as strong as wizards/witches and they use potions to help them to fight monster. potions are poisonous to normal humans but witchers have mutations help them resist that.


Wheel of Time? I the Game of Thrones preequel? Or am I trippin


Henry Cavill was his own stuntman on The Witcher, he's a massive nerd. You'll see later or in interview vids how passionate he is.


I don't think it is a matriarchy. From what was said she is Royal, and the king just married her. Just like in Great Brittan they have (Immortal) Queen Elisabeth, and she is "in charge", not her husband.


I love the fun you have with director in these intros, gets me every time lol

Toan Greenlow

I think this show is based on the books instead of the games. The games are wildly different, so much so that the only thing in common is that that MC is named Geralt GAME SPOILER For example, instead of Cirilla (the princess with the powers) being a special child, in the games she's a Witcher alongside Geralt. They team up from time to time and she's super old.


Aslo. Witcher, the netflix series is based directly on Witcher books, so it have nothing to do with the games in terms of story.


Sorry I know this is not a anime reaction, but bleach was confirmed to be airing oct 2022. You have about 8 months to catch up 🙏🙏


toss a coin to your witcherrrrr

Teyon Alexander

Great reaction. I hope folks haven’t been spoiling the way the show works. It’s part of the fun/mystery of watching it.

Teyon Alexander

Wheel of Time is a decent, if flawed show. The books are definitely better but once it finds its pacing, I think it will be a really good watch. Side bar: why do people, when watching fantasy, say “in those times”? Like dude, it’s a fantasy show it could be taking place in our future for all we know. Folks kept doing that with Game of thrones and I was like, that’s not even earth. It’s a planet that has seasons that last years. Don’t use our history to box up the history of the fantasy show you’re watching. Let it breathe!


That’s actually true. Just a normal thing to process information. If i see someone smashing their first cousin i freak. Gotta remember “ohhhhhh it’s those times” even if it’s another planet like game of thrones for example. Looking for a marker for where society has morally developed as i judge the characters and what not. I never knew GOT wasnt the Earth lol

Teyon Alexander

Lol no worries man, I get we humans need some kind of reference point to relate to things. It’s natural. It’s just a thing of mine that bugs me sometimes. :)

Stone Brown

If u do wheel of time tell me first ep is not just lord of the rings lol with Voldemort

Stone Brown

And u could have watched the anime movie of the Witcher It’s a prequel


I think Black Canary is on the wrong show. 🤣😂😆 🌬️💨


Lol Director is blood thirsty as hell, he decided to take out Renfri eeeearly lol


I am so hyped for yall's reaction to this series!

Thomas Stark

I'd love a Wheel of Time reaction when you've got the time. I'm enjoying the show immensely.


Wheel of time is super good

JR Reed

I know this is a year old now, but the Wheel of Time show is hot garbage that bastardized the books and shat on the story that sold over 80 mill copies. That said, S1 E1 of the Witcher is excellent and the sword fights with Geralt at the end are off the hook. He wades through those men just cutting them up. Also Renfri and his sword fight is amazingly well done. Probably still the best sword fights I've seen done in years. Edit : Since I shat on WoT, I'd recommend the The Last Kingdom on Netflix. It does the books justice and the show is excellent. Or 12 Monkeys probably once of the best shows to wrap everything up well with no lose ends. It is fire.