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14:00 proof of my support for Bah ha before realizing he's also the same VA in Demon Slayer lol!!!! GOATED.

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Toan Greenlow

My boi Willam be mistreated! 😆


Ba-ha's VA is also Maou from The Devil Is a Part-Timer! But I didnt know he also did Gyuu from DS :O Did Adorkabel mean the DUB version of BC ? coz they dont share VA in the japanese version.


Hilarious reaction


guys i'm sorry if somebody else already asked it but are they going to react to all fillers or jump to 158?


The English VA only did the temple demon from demon slayer, so it's not the English VA either, gyuu from demon slayer is patry/licht


This is great to show pure filler vs anime canon only eps etc. https://www.animefillerlist.com/shows/black-clover


Oh no, I saw All of us dead episode 9, but now it’s disappear 🥲


Clover Kingdom King's screams remind me of Buggy sometimes lmao. But of course Buggy is goated and iconic


I’m sure they are close to finished if not finished. It’ll be a damn shame if they skipped the 150’s.


Adorkable wasn't able to grasp the idea that an expert Investor/Businessman is worth more than the loot they took.


asta and noelle do not have same VA's. the only one who does more than one is Gouche's VA. he does Gouche and En, the mushroom magic user.


Not closed to finish. We recorded less as we added new shows which was also a planned move


I hope you won't skip training ark.


i’m pretty sure gordon’s VA voice acts his entire family & the narrator


I’ll cry if they skip 151 😭😭😭


crazy how at the star festival and somewhere around chapter 20-30 ish they hinted that spade was always trying to push the clover borders, theyve been building it up almost secretly for a while,


If you don't like 132 and 133, I just want to tell you that 151-157 has a lot more in them and are a fun watch. The beginning Anime Canon stuff is sometimes hard to watch but 151-157 is (in my opinion) the perfect way to do Anime Canon.


Man boring filler episodes bruh

Luke Alba

yeah honestly if there was filler after the demon arc started i didn't notice that it was filler, and lol 170 by january 2023 or are y'all just ahead? Btw speaking of voice actors, am I the only person who was shocked to find out Luffy's voice actor from one piece was a girl? That was the first time I realized the characters are actually voiced by people who are the opposite sex is like really frequent. But it works for sure, If Mayumi didn't voice luffy who's to say it still blows up like it did, she the GOAT.

Luke Alba

Lol these captains literally live and die to protect people against any threat, so I don't think it's a problem they get paid I'm dead.


Of course the royal family doesn't care if their salary is cut in half, they are rich anyway 😂🤣🤑🤑👑💸💵💴💶💷💰