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Eris and Rudy Folks FREAKING OUT Reaction to Mushoku Tensei: Ep 22 Reaction, Check description

Original Video Reaction https://youtu.be/we5zhGt3nd0 ➡️ TWITTER https://www.twitter.com/YaBoyRockLee_ ➡️ Twitch https://www.twitch.tv/yaboyrocklee​​ 👉⭕ PATREON- https://www.patreon.com/Yaboyrocklee​​ Uncut and Upcoming Reactions! ⭕ DON'T FORGET TO HIT THE 🔔 FOR MORE GREAT CONTENT! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ​​ ➡️ INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/yaboyrocklee/​​ ➡️ FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/yaboyrocklee​​ ➡️ Anime Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/22236...​ ➡️ Tiktok https://www.tiktok.com/@yaboyrocklee​​ ➡️ Twitch https://www.twitch.tv/yaboyrocklee​​ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Join our discord and talk to us directly! - Rock Nation - ➡️ DISCORD - https://discord.com/invite/v6ETsq



mushoku on its game of thrones books, type beat that episode lmao


Young Justice said it best. "Keep an open mind" Love the discussion.


yeah im in the boat where i can pull myself away from reality and understand its fiction, though that doesnt mean i agree with everything and excuse things that happen.. its crazy how even now a days early teens are still having s**, so theres some realism in the writing though it can definitely leave a really sour taste in peoples mouths. i think at the end of the day it truly depends on the context of the situations, and in this specific one eris decision felt real to me and i never looked at the scene as oh wow a s** scene!! it was more like wow this is traumatic as hell man, how she has to feel that way..


People need to understand the time period this setting is based upon. The differences in cultures opposed to current day cultures. The standard of what people consider an adult which is younger than 18. Eris is like a 3rd cousin aka a distant cousin which means the thought of incest barely even applies she is far enough away in blood relationship that it barely matters. This is reincarnation. If you couldnt handle rudy still having the consciousness of his old life you should have already dropped the series. My dude has developed so much that he wanted to hold off and keep the true promise that was still two years away. He also didnt want to seemingly take advantage of eris to begin with and he points it out himself. Eris just wanted it and she wanted to make sure she did it before she left him. Its understandable. They have already been going through the stages of puberty. This type of stuff happened all the time throughout history. Not saying I accept any of this as a good thing at all but it shouldnt be hated because it happens in real life and it has happened all throughout human history. The western audience of anime and manga is full of snowflakes. I wont spoil anything in terms of eris leaving but the hate toward anything and everything this episode had is stupid and worthless. People complaining about the age. The relationship. The previous life of rudy. The mature people can separate what can be accepted in this story that has been set up and say it is just a story but also be open to say that this type of stuff has happened and technically still happens. That is just how humans are. Honestly I could go on a huge rant about all of this but I am done lol 😂


Great discussion. As far as respecting other ppls opinions I’m all for it as long as they do the same. The ppl that immediately say “This is bad and anyone that supports this is bad” I cannot extend that olive branch to me it’s a very immature way of thinking. Which leads me to my next point, I see Rudy as the 14 year old kid and hear me out bc it might sound off but I think it’s reinforced by how I saw him when he was 40+. Anyone that age should obviously date within that age let’s get that out the way. But his mentality was that of a child to me already. I wouldn’t even respect him as a man in his previous life bc he lived like a man child. So now that he has a fresh start it almost seems like he never grew up the first time. Couple that with his body being that of an actual child and I don’t see to much of a problem with it. Given I have read some of the LN/Manga so maybe I have an enhanced perspective but I digress.

Vincent lodato

The way you talk about him being mentally immature as an adult really does make a lot of sense the more you think about it. Very interesting and i do agree with that.

Luke Alba

lol geez people just need to get some context. And if ur worried about some of nasty's comments then maybe reach an understanding cuz ya boy nasty has been this way lol

Luke Alba

Eris is a budding woman with her own damn problems give her a break geez. just cuz shes 16 doesn't mean she doesn't have huge emotional breaks in fact its more often around that age wtf.

John A.

(This was touched upon in an early visit to the Man-God)I do not think they made it clear, but Rudy's time spent in this body and with his new life's experiences is skewing his thoughts to be more his apparent age than his pre-death life.


I definitely can be against Rudy on him wanting to have sex with Eris because he shouldnt be attracted to that young of a girl. Once you are grown you stay grown. Just like how an older woman shouldn't be with a 14 year old like Rudy because that older women thinks he is a 14 year old boy even if he acts very mature for his age. I would say its acceptable for Rudy to pursue a mature relationship once both people are mentally and physically mature.


I have only watched the anime, so im guessing after her journey maybe another 2 years at best. Though just because Eris is grown and of age doesn't mean its still okay if that makes sense. In our society a mature 18 year old and a 40 year old is still weird. Roxy like you said is a perfect match if somehow Rudy explains hes reincarnated to imply his actual age and he also matures physically.


The key was when you tried to compare it to our society. Our culture and custom dont account for reincarnation WITH memories. We don’t have 14 years that say they identify as 40 (they try) lol. If you want to apply our customs you shouldn’t pick and choose. In our customs and rules. Rudy is the age of his physical body. He couldn’t get into a 21 and up club lol. In your thinking you focus much more on his soul. Our laws and customs don’t consider the age of souls. Lol


Well you even said it about slavery, when you see people enslaved you cant take yourself out of the situation and still get upset, and I agreed with that. I dont see how I am picking and choosing, in our society we do have taboos about someone who is mentally Ill and thinks they are 7 years old when physical they are much older. I agree he is BOTH 40 something but has a body of a child. I am not either camp. Instead of having a predisposition first, you need to look at every situation dynamically. We im not really caring about the age of his soul, im judging him because he has the conscience of a 40 year old, which does make him a 40 year old. Our conscience and soul could be linked as the same thing anyways.


Yes. When I mentioned Slavery , I’m admitting I’m abandoning logic and reason. Ignoring whats right or wrong for those people. As i did in demon slayer because a demon was a hot girl lol. I’m admitting where my fault in thinking lays


We have taboos on mentally ill (someone with impaired reasoning). Is Rudy mentally ill? What would we do with Rudy in our society. (Btw i do admit thats it’s weird, I’ve wrestled with this for quiet some time)


I dont think that your thinking slavery is bad in any reality is a fault lol


Well in the video i think I mentioned throwing hands at our for father’s or something. Like if i had the ability to fight slave owners. I would although they were following the laws, i didn’t care lol


He has some illness just from how perverted he is lol (jokes). Rudy just like the mentally ill are different and as such need to handle their lives differently than a "normal" life. I still stand by my first message, once Rudy is physically mature, he can find anyone else who is also mentally and physically mature. He needs to be more like Rimuru lol.


its just a moral question, yes at the time slavery was "legal" but now as a society we know its awful and we shouldnt ever do it again. Thats why I think Rudy knows better but chooses not to be better. I still like the series and enjoy watching it, but that doesnt mean I need to love every part lol.


Understood. Nice having a civilized conversation. I too dont “love” that part. I just don’t have the outrage over it. I was addressing some other content i saw but I didn’t call anyone out ha


yeah its fiction, nothing to get too upset about. Thanks for the convo, keep up the good work!


Just want to add to remember, that Rudy is a virgin and a shut-in from already before he was adult. So even if he is close to 40 years old, he really isn't full adult mentally as he really hasn't lived in anyway like a normal adult would. This is only a point to consider and I am not trying to put some argument to any opinion how you want to view this shows..."speciality".


Good talk YBRL and I see it as everyone can make their own opinion how they feel about it. I have always understood that even the older Rudy really isn't full adult mentally as he was already shut-in from high school age. He never has lived adult life like our modern society thinks what is adult life. And my main point in the end, it's just fiction story taking this too seriously and trying to go pointing real life situations to compare to fictional story just is strange for myself.


That was my final conclusion. He’s not written as a 40 yr old. His past life is plot tool so we can see how this 14 yr old lived before and do things better.

Tijay Carroll

he she is grown, remember in this eorld u become a adult at 15 and she is 15


i personally believe he only retained his memories of his past life because the man god may have wanted him to keep looking back on his past life to improve and be a better person. however he is mentally 44 but in a child's body. but his body is young but that is not his fault and his "body" is of that age where hormones go rampant. soooo my point is yes if we view him as the 40+ year old then yes it is wrong. however would it also be the case if he was reborn without his memories and the Man-God told him he was a 40+ year old in his past life would we consider him being with Eris as wrong still. I believe so. I see it as he retained his memories to reflect upon not to be who he is now. therefore imo he is who he is now not in his past for the most part as he has gained 10000x more experience in his 14 years in the world he now inhabits than on earth with 40+ years. he is a 14 year old boy on the very horny side who has memory of his past life. I'm not condoning Shota or loli sexualization's but imo he is more the boy in the world he is in now than he is the middle aged bum in his past life so therefore i consider him to be the 14 year old. I wished they never showed the scene but its anime they do this a lot to be fair XD. In this situation i am in favor of it being ok as I see him as mentally mostly of his age in his current life however he has some qualities he kept of his past life (we know the qualities I'm on about XD).