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Sharles Davis Kendy

This episode really solidifies the base of Shinn's and Lena's relationship. Shinn is the Reaper. He carries 575 of his fallen commarades with him. With her final words to him, "I will not forget", Lena became HIS Reaper. The one who would carry HIM with her after he died. But then, he didn't die. And now, as far as he knows, she's dead. There is no one left to carry him when he's gone. He's the last one standing, again.


I never expected a 3rd episode today! Thank you so much for posting these! I look forward to them so much! Thank you continuing to react to this awesome show! I wish your channel the best

Luke Reid

the railgun is the same one that attacked them in season 1, it killed 4 or 5 of shin’s squad in the fireworks episode. we also see kiri raging in s1 too i think about the princess. oh and at the table in the cafe they didn’t want to upset shin about lena being dead, but he didn’t even catch on haha that was what they meant by ‘he really doesn’t realise’. man’s blind bout his skype gf


Thank you so much for understanding the Federacy. You are one of the only reactors for the most part that understand the two sides they are on. So many reactors take the Federacy’s general words at face value and call them horrible. Y’all are the few that understand they hate sending the kids back to war, but know it is the only hope for humanity. So they try and justify it even though deep down they don’t believe it. Thank you for catching that subtlety. There is a reason I love watching your reactions! Thanks again!


Kiriya Nouzen always had a railgun as far as I can remember, he used it in episode 7 to eliminate 4-5 members of Shin's team in season 1, he also used the railgun in episode 11 season 1, against Shin . I think Vladilena Milizé was talking about the railgun, because she fought against that machine in the past when she was with Shin's group. You noticed how the federation was asking if at least Shin could survive this mission, the federation also wants Shin's power, I'm afraid the Federation will do what the Republic did.

Daniel Borrego

ya lena's probably dead. now shin's gonna have to reap legion lena.


I think Legion got to Director at that one point and when he came back he was brain only processor =). FOB = Forward Operation Base


Ability to know where you enemy is coming and how many is crazy strong thing to have in a fight for your survival. Shin's power is crazy powerful how much information control you can have.

Casper Ghost

The Alba's didn't have a railgun, Lena was saying that's what attacking the Grand Mur which we lso saw from Kiri's perspective. Kiri is the same railgun that attacked them in season 1 before leaving the Republic.