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So YBRL now that this is done, you guys still interested in starting "Wheel of Time" on Amazon Prime? Really wish that is your next TV reaction =)


Great reaction, throughout all that Mujin really proved he was a demon when he pulled the trigger on her at the very last moment. After putting her through all that he still intended to kill her in the end too - damn


Some recommendations for good Korean shows next: Extracurricular (not a coincidence it came up as a suggestion, that's another FIRE show, try one episode), Sweet Home and Signal


Alternatively if y’all want to mix it up with some movies (since y’all really liked T2Busan): New World (better version of this show), The Chaser, Man From Nowhere and Parasite are 🔥


Maybe we might see kingdom finally🤔


I understand the perspective of Choi Mu-Jin, his best friend turned out to be an undercover cop, of course he felt betrayed. After he took Ji-Woo under his wing, he trained her to avenge his father, he trained her to one day come to kill him. And when Ji-Woo chose the police instead of revenge, Choi Mu-Jin felt betrayed, he trained her for this purpose and she chose the police instead of revenge. So Choi Mu-Jin said, have you found a new way to live? I will eliminate the new way, to return to revenge. Choi Mu-Jin as a character was extremely enjoyable to watch, of course I can't stand such a thing in reality but for the series his character was sensational. (♯ ▼皿▼) (◣_◢)


You should definitely watch Kingdom, it's an awesome KDrama!


At the time of this comment. Nasty and i looking at Kingdom, Witcher, and Arfureta, (I butchered spelling it’s an anime across ) I looked to see traffic on Wheel Of Time…..i think it’ll die in our algorithm as Hawkeye did. Makes me nervous.


When will Kingdom be released/watched?


Yeah no worries, it's just a suggestion. Not expecting always it to happen, well if you get interested yourself and then do reaction for it. Might be possible, it will anyway be a long show with multiple seasons.


I never got the hype over Kingdom to be honest, seemed like a ok show, with the only twist being it’s a zombie show in medieval times


Guys, you should watch new drama „One ordinary day“. It‘s cool🥴


Director Nasty felt like he was on some extra juice reacting to this :D. Haven't seen him so crazy in a while. I came back to finish this story as never got the time to watch this last episode yet.


Omg i can't.. watched this with you because your reaction makes it funny but seriously, the girl trained smth like 4 years and she destroys the whole gang by herself ? Plus even just the trailer from this show made it painfully obvious that Mujin was her dad's killer and i actually had hope for some surprise at the beginning of the show.. I really try to enjoy kdrama sometimes, watched a few, but i legit can't get past 4/5 episodes each time because they just love to make their plot overpredictable and unrealistic while dragging it on with some over-the-top over-acting (at least it wasn't the case in this one). Also, nothing to do with it, but is there anyone under 40 that didn't get a nosejob in South Korea lol ?