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I mean, Baha did save those people on that beach that one time when Vetto attacked them. So he does stuff sometimes.... rarely 0.o


When I watch this episode I think I wanna play a game of cards

John A.

Shame on that room full of non-combatants!


Dope reaction Yall. FYI the anime get's some things wrong at times. When Julius said "their mana has grown" was inaccurate. Sometimes they insert extra dialogue. For one, he never said that in the manga, and the manga author confirmed that your internal mana pool is set at birth so you really can't train to increase it (this is the root of the discrimination in Clover Kingdom) You can only increase your magic by refining your mana since mana is the fuel for magic, but even that has its limits. Magic=refined mana, and to make your magic stronger you just need to keep refining your mana control. So in short you can increase your magic by making it stronger through training, but you can't train to increase your internal mana capacity.


as much as I understand why ppl don’t like william I always think of it from my perspective and I understand how difficult for him it was? Being shamed and abandoned his whole life and only having one friend who was there for him vs the person who finally believed in you. So it’s like he truly didn’t want anything bad to happen if anything he was hoping Julius would’ve won.


Can’t wait for them to see op 10 v3


Well, members of that parliament are members of the royal family and most likely high-ranking nobles, it is quite clear that nobles and members of the royal family are selfish, racist and full of hatred and envy. They would certainly kill innocent people if that made them think they were right. They do not want justice, they want to feel superior and prove that they are always right. I hope that members of the Black Bull team will protect Asta.


the mark on julius forhead was actually a mark of life in healthcare and can also be tied together into 'a new life', which is reallly cool you see it on every ambulance and at hospitals. sally valtos rades and julius all being reincarnated is awesome following the theme of the 'reincarnation arc' really like how it was all tied together


with what DN was talking about at the end gets me excited tha you guys are watching the anime canon arc


They had to nerf my boy Julius 😤 it wouldn’t be fair to the villains otherwise 😂😂🤣

Jesse Prevallet

your visual uncomfortableness was all over your face when unrepresented asta voluntarily goes into the courts. when i saw that for the first time, my stomach sank

Toan Greenlow

To answer the question, Damnatio, the scale guy, was protecting the Magic Parliment from harm. Cause fuck the little people 😞


yeah, its a shame some of that stuff gets confused in the transfer. The later bits of the Manga with Magna and Zora really shows the effort peasants have to put in just to keep up. Hopefully they show that in the movie or whatever comes after.


I want to complain again about the one big thing that I dislike about this series after seeing the entire thing with Julius but I will get a bunch of shit again from people that don't even understand what I am saying in the first place. I will just say it really is such a massive stretch. Talking about how Julius could store his time magic in the ancient machine that the first king made yet it had already been busted up from taking that huge blast of magic from Licht when he turned into a demon. That machine is meant to store it up and its clearly got a limit so where did all of that magic go that got absorbed from back then.... Why didn't it stay broken and messed up from that blast.... He could store 13 years of magic into that thing but he couldn't survive a blast from Licht when he turned into a demon... I sound like I am complaining but this is honestly the one thing in the series that bothers me. The series doesn't kill off actual somewhat important characters. Any series can kill of extras that don't matter at all. Made a whole grand thing about killing the wizard king and the creator could have at least made it more understandable and less of an asspull but that is just me.... I really like BC. MHA and BC are my favorites from shonen jump and both have their share of problems so I am not just hating to hate. It just disappointed me seeing this.


They never said that there was only one of those machines tbf. If they were making them to improve everyones magic so everyone could be equal they probably had more of those machines.