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The fact that Licht is not the main basis is worrying. I wonder where it might be.


Dope reaction yall, not sure how far ahead you all are with the recordings. But as a heads up, these next few opening might contain some spoilers, yall can skip them if you like (if yall dont mind them then no worries about skipping them) Episode 95: new opening with potential spoilers (could watch after 100) Episode 103: new opening and has some potential major spoilers that you may want skip. (Could watch after episode 108) Episode 116: new opening with some potential major spoilers (could watch after 117)


So far they haven’t cared about the openings so I think they will watch them

saleek smith

Glad you're loving Black clover and thank you for being the support of it appreciate it

Toan Greenlow

Fuegoleon. Pronounced pretty much the way it sounds. Mereoleona is a bit tricky. It's Pronounced Mero Lee Ona

John A.

I have never read the source material, but I think there is a long-standing bond between Noelle's family and Mimosa's. We saw those two playing as kids; we saw Mereoleona visiting with Noelle's Mom. I wonder if Nozel and Fuegoleon had play dates when they were kids, too?

Jesse Prevallet

they family, noelle and mimosa are legit cousins. so ya you right the familys have a bond


That smoke that’s about to be passed around starting now to the end is going to be crazy! Can’t wait for all these parts coming.