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end disscusion, I actually with adorkable with this. I got frustrated with catilyn.


So fun little tidbit, that rocket launch that JInx did at the very end was actually her ultimate attack in the game. Also some really good news CEO of Riot confirmed that they are dedicated to making more seasons, plural, of Arcane so looks like we arent done with this story yet fokes. OH btw if you guys wanna learn anything interesting about some of the game easter eggs, obviously nothing spoilery that could be put into up coming seasons, like weapons, attacks, and skills just let me know and I can explain it to ya.


Nah, take it down a notch homegirl, you're too quick to judge Jayce. Man had never killed anyone before, let alone a kid; can't fault him for not having the stomach to carry on with brute force.

Ranginald Vagel

Man f Jayce he was cool for five minutes then chickened out


So the council actually has never been addressed in lore before. There was a small teaser hinting at the tragedy that befell the council on the night of a red moon, and how Jayce, Vi, Catlin, and Jinx where all big players in what happened in the tragedy but the actual council members and most of their fates where never told to us in lore.


The one thing I'd mention since you guys were 'blaming' Jinx is that Silco was going to choose war regardless. The poetic part about Jinx shooting the council is that Silco was only going to get independence IF he gave up Jinx. He made it clear he was never going to give up his family/daughter. Silco would have chosen war because he would rather fight for independence than betray his loyalty to his family. Silco was a real one that loved Jinx for who she was and never blamed her for anything. He was the one thing she was looking for the entire series and now she has no problem messing up Piltover cause she thinks it's what Silco wanted.


yes,in the end Vi wants Powder and not Jinx,while Jinx wanted to be accepted for who she is and she killed the one who did.So Jinx is not turning back


Season 2 confirmed!!!!!! this show is so fire


It feels like you're confirming that Mel and the rest of them die.


Remember that Arcane and League of Legends are NOT the same story, so there will be VERY major (and VERY minor) differences. Just to list some "errors" already here that anyone knowing lore catches in a second, sorted by characters: Jayce: fucking everything, unless his personality changes drasticly this guy have almost nothing to do with league Jayce...hammer cool tho Victor: in league he was brought to academy by [that guy who heimer mentioned as one of founders of the city, the statue, sory forgot the name] All the stuff with "glorious evolve" that is like 95% of his character, and there is NOTHING even hinting at that Singed: He got his face fucked up by warwick, not shimmer burns He is (in league) proffesor in piltover by day, mad doctor in zaun by night, in Arcane he parted ways with heimer (by extend academy) "long ago" Warwick: sike, so far everything holds up, almost 100% just want to leave that we seen him Vi: Atlas gauntlets werent made by Jayce. They were improved/stabilized/weponized/whatever by him but these are NOT his creations in league Caitlin: where the fuck is "C"?


Silco...at the end of a day he trully loved Jinx, even after she litteraly killed him...deam I know only one guy who was loving someone to that extend...but it feels really wrong to put anime villan and Jesus next to each other xD


Adorkable went from not talking to talking. Lol. This is why she didn’t talk lol hahahaha


Well...he never killed annyone before and it happend that he killed a kid...bruh give him a break...that shit breaks veteran soldiers, and it was his first mission


Killing a child should shake any normal sane person especially a person without combat experience

Jay Aniakor

he was talking to Vander's statue, not just out loud. I mean it was out loud, but he was talking to his former brother. also by "half there," Silco meant that they had already destroyed/taken one of his Shimmer facilities


It was a good series, I wonder if Jinx will become the new leader of the underground. I hope you enjoyed the show. I adore Jinx, she is my favorite in this series. Vander did not surrender his family to escape the war and now Silco chose the same thing, he could not surrender his daughter for peace, he chose the war in the end. Silco was the only person who accepted Jinx as she was.


I really liked the ending, the story and the music was just perfect.


When Silco was talking to Vander's statue to me it felt like he was talking about how he now understood why he made a deal and kept the peace now that he has a daughter of his own, only funnily enough for him it's a reason to make war not peace.


Glad you are enjoying Arcane. Can't wait for S2. Hopefully the league community didn't bully you to much.


The daughter parallels are crazy. Vander, Silco, and Marcus all dying to protect their daughters in some way. If Mel dies to the rocket that would mean Mel's mother getting what she wanted (war and hextech weapons) at the cost of losing her daughter.


Great series, great rections! Riot already released a confirmation that Season 2 is in Production. I really loved the characters in this series, but i hope my favorite is shown next one.


The thing is that since the Council members where never characters in the lore I have no clue who will survive. I will say that my theory is that Mel has some kind of magical item, the golden shimmer that was shown before the explosion hit, which could possible save her life and possible a few other characters lives as well. I have a good feeling that the rest of the council members will be dying in that attack baring possible Catlin's mother who might have a small chance at surviving. I feel like the League of Legends lore is more of a guide line that the Arcane series is following and that the series is fleshing out and defining Champions actual stories more than just a broad and short description that the lore gives. Though I am very much hoping that we get to see at least most of the crimes that Jinx pulled in her lore cause most of them are just hilarious and it would be so much fun to see happen.


Something to note is that Jinx is saner than we all think. She's sane enough to realize how insane she is yet insane enough to just not care. She knows that she is messed up in the head and that she probably can never have normal relationship with her sister ever again just by how Vi calls her Powder, which also probably made it worse. In a way by attacking the council Jinx is making herself the ultimate villain for both Piltover and Zaun, someone that Vi has no choice but to give up on. Jinx still loves her sister and she knows that while there is even but a glimmer of hope Vi will always try to get Powder back, so Jinx killed that hope and is following Silco's dream by becoming a monster even worse than Silco was. She became a champion of Chaos who is showing Piltover what it's like to live in fear, uncertainty, and disorder.


The soundtracks used throughout the series bomb AF tho. Fit the scenes so damn well. How did Riot do that?

Benjamin Lowe

since we havent heard of demacia yet, if the story continues with the current timeline likely noxus will go to the underground to make deals with the chembarons which will lead to zaunite independence and force piltover to make deals with demacia. this means next season could include swain, darius, leblanc, garen, jarvan, xin zhao, and lux among others. this would also lead into ionia with noxus hiring singed for the invasion


Jinx: I thought you could love me like in the past, But now I see, you've changed! VI: FUCK ALL THESE PEOPLE, I LOVE YOU POWDER, JINX, POWDER? I don't give a fuck what you call yourself or what any of these people think I LOVE YOU AND I AM TAKING YOU WITH ME, you've done good enough I know how hard you've been trying, Let me take the pressure sis. I am here and I'm not going anywhere unless you kill me, and I'll always trust you with the gun. Lets get out of here and leave these fuck tards to deal with themselves. I'll take a life on the run forever with you, my sister, my baby girl powder, than a life of safety in this shitty town. Oh and Caitlynn? I LITERALLY JUST MET THE BITCH LIKE 3 DAYS AGO. Yeah she has blue hair and maybe that's why I'm kind of fond of her, she REMINDS ME OF YOU!!! But besides that who cares, Let her take her highlander ass back to her highlander city, we don't need her. Silco? I'm not here to fight this dick, I just want my sister back, I want YOU back, as you are right now I love you so much I don't even care, we will work it out I promise I love you forever, pull both those chairs over here because I dont' give a fuck which chair you sit in as long as you sit beside me... I dont want to be alone without you again... I don't want to miss you anymore. It was a nightmare, It hurt so much... Powder, I love you. Jinx, I love you. Sis, my only sister. I love you.


Phenomenal finale and reaction!


I don’t support the Cait hate but Jinx is bae so we all good lol.


But remember Finn talked about there being a "bigger fish" in the undercity, perhaps someone with even greater "power" than Silco. He/she may become the new leader of the undercity

Samuel Avetisyan

"I never would have given you to them"......."Not for anything"......."Don't cry"...."You're perfect"


Cait was kidnapped and tied to her chair in a death and life situation where the best thing to do was to trust someone who isn't 100% capable of handling the situation since she had to make a choice between her sister and herself. It's the natural course of action to retaliate in that situation lol. Caitlyn also doesn't even know that she is the problem that's in Jinx's head. How was she supposed to know Jinx's struggles? From an omniscient viewpoint sure, but she'd have to be a psychoanalyst/psychologist to be able to decipher that loose canon. I also don't see Marcus comparison with Caitlyn. They have nothing in common. She wasn't corrupted and wanted to do the right thing. Yes, she doesn't know the reality of the situation but there's nothing inherently wrong with her character. Going by just facts, she released Cait, saved her life, and opened the topic of action with the councilors. Okay luckily I heard till the end so its because Adorkable was simping. Well understandable. Agree with Lee and Director just say you're simping because I couldn't find your reasoning to your arguments

Etdah Etdah

i love the fact that they show how ppl struggling to make a decision just how irl, and damn its hard. anyways, i love this series and the reaction.

ThunderRaichi10000 (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-17 22:45:28 Eh even if Cait shot at Jinx she would’ve most likely dodged it since we all know Jinx has crazy reflexes and with the Shimmer in her system she is even faster and stronger than she was before she got it.
2023-03-17 22:45:28 Eh even if Cait shot at Jinx she would’ve most likely dodged it since we all know Jinx has crazy reflexes and with the Shimmer in her system she is even faster and stronger than she was before she got it.
2023-03-17 22:45:28 Eh even if Cait shot at Jinx she would’ve most likely dodged it since we all know Jinx has crazy reflexes and with the Shimmer in her system she is even faster and stronger than she was before she got it.
2023-03-17 22:45:28 Eh even if Cait shot at Jinx she would’ve most likely dodged it since we all know Jinx has crazy reflexes and with the Shimmer in her system she is even faster and stronger than she was before she got it.
2023-03-17 22:45:28 Eh even if Cait shot at Jinx she would’ve most likely dodged it since we all know Jinx has crazy reflexes and with the Shimmer in her system she is even faster and stronger than she was before she got it.
2023-03-17 22:45:28 Eh even if Cait shot at Jinx she would’ve most likely dodged it since we all know Jinx has crazy reflexes and with the Shimmer in her system she is even faster and stronger than she was before she got it.
2022-05-07 08:54:02 Eh even if Cait shot at Jinx she would’ve most likely dodged it since we all know Jinx has crazy reflexes and with the Shimmer in her system she is even faster and stronger than she was before she got it.

Eh even if Cait shot at Jinx she would’ve most likely dodged it since we all know Jinx has crazy reflexes and with the Shimmer in her system she is even faster and stronger than she was before she got it.