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Karan Patel

Ngl I don't care about who Noelle marries in the future or who to ship her with, I just want to see her fight and continue to grow more as a character.


Cant say im team Valtos, but I dont think he or the other "sacrifices" deserves to die.


crazy how noelle could lead her own series and i would 100% watch it, her storys and growth are really enjoyable


I simply cannot wait for episode 108, they are going to enjoy it so much, I know they are. X)


Next episode is gonna be 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


Good read saying how the other two siblings don’t train lmao and that’s why they’re at that level despite being royals, Noelle has put in the work and has been able to capitalize off of her insane amount of mana. Can’t wait for the next one! Probably my favorite episode of the show tbh


I was just thinking, Noelle's mother is brought up a lot, but who dafq is her/their father? There wasn't even a single mention of it xD


I don't think it's only about training, Noelle also seems more naturally blesses than Nebra and Solid



John Rea

Her father was shown for like a second during a flashback awhile back but yeah nothing really shown. Wasted opportunity I feel like


Noelle about to pop off and get sexy


I care. She gonna get with Asta and Asta gonna have Noelle and Mimosa and ___.


Nozel seems the kind of person who, if you prove that you are strong and deserve respect, will respect you, Noelle has proven that she is capable and has an extraordinary level of power, she has been successful with the Black Bull team so Nozel has recognized her value and respect her now. 🐲🌊💦

Joao da Mata

Sorry, not sorry. I am team Valtos hehe

Phonic Reassignment

compass magic is just really effective on metal too probably more so against metal than any other attribute.


Team Valtos forever

The Anime Man

The next Episode is one of my favorites, can't wait to see your reaction!


Ok yeah I decided, I can't wait a month or so for this on YouTube. So I'll be a Patreon for January and be back when we reach the final arc lmao. Especially knowing next episode is about to be fire. Also I recall y'all saying you might be done in December or January, I'm kind of curious if y'all have finished black clover already but understand if you don't want to say.


I'll be out for January, see you in February!

John A.

LOL, Adorkable's callng out Valtos' daddy issues with Licht was so funny. Someone's gotta keep Valtos off the pole!

Luke Alba

I'm team valtos for this situation but I'm a big believer in that any person no matter how terrible the things they have done has the ability to learn and be better. It just takes some effort in understanding.


waited so long for you guys to get to this point cant wait for next episode

Joao da Mata

I can't wait for the next episode 🤩🤩🤩