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Lol, adorkable is usually on point, but with this show she been so far off, mystery brothers, confusing Viktor and silco, the kids are going to be alright


God, i am so glad they don't know the characters for this amazing reaction


I like Powder more than Vi, I'm extremely curious what will happen to Powder.


I don't think it's the substance that addicts them actually, but the INCREASE IN POWER that it causes, creating a combat type of euphoria that brute force fighters have once their bloodlust gets too tilted


And it only gets better no cap


10 year old kid tries to save her family but makes a mistake. YBRL, "abandon this kid" LOL.


We talking about Powder? Lol. This comments is hilarious. The mistake directly killed 2 people lol. 😭😭😭. That’s toooooough. But there is so much nuance here. Logically she shouldn’t have been abandoned. But I would have done the same as Vi lol. Leave and feel regret. Come back lol.

King Uma is life

In the original lore the shimmer wasn't a substance but was a power the yordles had that hid them from man and made them appear human. Magic was banned in the old lore and that power let them mingle amongst humans. Idk what it does now tho they changed all the lore in game a few years back.


Looking forward to the next ones!


Vi put way too much weight on powder. She taught her to basically break the law (Rules). She felt like she was falling their ex pop ectations and Milo was putting more stress on her. She began to start having a mental breakdown. Valdo told Vi, They all follow her like a leader and will do anything for her and because she continues to use them for her jobs everything is going to be on her. However by the time she got this message and realized it, it was already too late. Her being responsible and telling her to stay home and at the same time saying you're not ready, after telling her and also being the only one she thought that was supporting her started caused her to do this. Vi basically gave her the idea that she has to prove herself by going against what she said. Yes Pokedex is at fault but The blame really goes more to Vi.


bruh Viktor and Silco dont sound even closely similar.

SirFS (edited)

Comment edits

2021-11-15 14:38:04 I thought you guys do have to remember that she is just a little kid at this age. As a kid in that situation, a child (almost always) is not going to be able to think about consequences or what could go wrong When it comes to a little kid trying to save their family. Especially Powder, with all that stress and her being not into right mental state, It's understandable Tonight blame her 100% for what she did. That would be treating her the same way her sister was kind of treating her by setting a high bar for her and making her feel that she has to exceed expectations. It's kind of conflicting though at the same time because at the same time Vi is also a kid still. lol
2021-11-15 09:38:39 I think you guys have to remember that she is just a little kid at this time. As a kid in that situation, a child (almost always) is not going to be able to think about consequences or what could go wrong When it comes to a little kid trying to save their family. Especially Powder, with all that stress and her not being in her right mind, It's not right to blame her 100% for what she did. That would be treating her the same way her sister was kind of treating her by setting a high bar for her and making her feel that she has to exceed expectations. It's kind of conflicting though at the same time because Vi is also a kid still. lol

I think you guys have to remember that she is just a little kid at this time. As a kid in that situation, a child (almost always) is not going to be able to think about consequences or what could go wrong When it comes to a little kid trying to save their family. Especially Powder, with all that stress and her not being in her right mind, It's not right to blame her 100% for what she did. That would be treating her the same way her sister was kind of treating her by setting a high bar for her and making her feel that she has to exceed expectations. It's kind of conflicting though at the same time because Vi is also a kid still. lol