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Patreon Request, we have not committed to it at this point...it hurt my head ya'll but it is an interesting series and highly suggested...we'll see. Director was losing his shit...i turned of my brain actually...which you'll see actually helped lol  

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King Uma is life

I watched this show when I was like 15. If you asked me to explain the show now at 22 I still don't really have an idea lmao.


You got a like pay attention to a lot in the show to make sense of it like each episode I try my best to make sense of something I love the show though


Yooo hope you pick this up. It's been many years since I've seen it, but I remember being really impressed with the writing. I picked up the visual novel on the switch. Hope I find time to play it one day.

Peacefinder Simply

honestly this might be hard to follow unless you really pay attention.


This was a awesome reaction, I really hope you keep going. The way you guys were analyzing this first episode then I am sure that you will have fun with the rest of the series :D


Please stick with this. Gate will always have a place in my top 5. Compare it to one piece somewhat, slow at start, but extremely worth it at the end.

Vincent lodato

im in the middle of playing this game(visual novel) on switch.


Wow, threw a wild card out here. Not complaining though :) Hoping to see you do Kaiji one day.


Would love if you continued this. This is one of the few anime I don't mind the dub version of


if you are going to stick with it i can highly recommend the english dub. Its one of the best. Because most of the time you have to read ALOT, thats also important it can be helpful. Otherwise i would be happy to see more of it

Dusty Chronicle

I love this anime, glad you did at least ep 1, even tho yes, the first episode is supposed to confuse the heck out of you, all is explained later.


Every thing that was confusing in this episode get explained as the series goes on. I’ll say this this episode is the most confusing episode in the entire series. Also as the one who requested them to react to this. These comments about wanting them to continue make me happy I spent that $50


Going to be very upset if you drop this. It's one of the best anime of all time.


Yall are trying waaayyy too hard to try and figure things out in the first episode. You're not supposed to have all the answers lol. Relaaaaaaax

Thicc Thunder

It’s a fire series. A few episodes in thinned really solidify and the main plot kicks off. After that it’s easier on the brain. PS. That spongebob slander was uncalled for. Lol

Peacefinder Simply

Episode 1 is to make you curious and leaving you hanging and confused, its not meant to have a answer yet, so just watch listen and enjoy and the pieces will slowly fit together.

Kamo King

Even though Steins Gate isn't one of my top picks, I think it's still an absolute must watch due to its uniqueness, popularity, and it being an older show that doesn't feel dated at all outside of visuals. Really hoping y'all check it out further


This was a hard one for me. I tried the first few episodes 3 or 4 times over the years and couldn't get into it. Then I watched the dub and it just clicked. Would love to see you guys do more!


Give up trying to predict this one just strap yourself and get ready for a roller coaster ride. Yeah you are not suppose to understand anything in the first episode aside from the MC is a mad scientist and he has 2 friends


So funny you boys so confused that you even lost the dirty jokes our 003 member was making =)


Well it’s not about dropping it. We already filming our other projects. Dororo now. So we have 3 requests to choose from or golden Kamuy or anything else that can pop up.


Oh shit, this is happening?


Let's GO!!! Been waiting for this, it's definitely worth the hype just watch a couple episodes and it'll make sense


You're supposed to be confused the first episode, the streets been waiting for this series haha, I know the majority would love it if you kept going


The first episode is meant to be confusing because there are a lot of things happening behind the scenes

Anthony Nguyen

plz stick with it, despite the "obtuse" nature of the introduction, there's massive payoff at the end


Most comments in a video in a long time, hope that lets you know the people want Steins Gate, so it would be much appreciated if y'all find a way to squeeze it into the schedule. Give the people what they want haha

Jake estes

It’s a little slow at the beginning but definitely worth it! It picks up around episode 8 and goes full throttle from there

Jake estes

And I notice y’all miss stuff with the subtitles you should do this one in dub it’s amazing


I mean they don't give explanation because it is just Episode 1 LOL that is the thing such good writing they can put Up to 5 Plot in eps 1


Since you guys are still doing this series I'll give a word of advice. Just remember what happens and don't try to interpret every single detail because you guys missed quite a bit of stuff even the minor stuff when overthinking stuff. Everything will be explained in due time so just enjoy the show. This anime is regarded as one of the best for its time in the anime community.