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Prof. Walker

Clayman really is trash, only attacking well they can't fight back...


clayman is in a weird spot for me, he was being portrait as a smart villain but then in 1 ep everyone sees that he isn't actually smart compared to the others, but i think it is mainly because of his bias. he inflated his ego so much after gaining control over milim that he thinks he can defeat veldora and procedes to ignore important information like, veldora a dragon that likes to destroy things awakened near a kingdom but it wasn't destroyed, he is a smart guy that lacks the ability to look a things without bias or ego involved.


Teleporting people is possible, but only people that are strong, because they can create a barrier with their magicules around them. So the ogers are fine, Geld is fine. But i dont think the "footsoldiers" would. Its so good seeing intelligent person in animes, that talk about the world, and theories they have. Also Clayman is being build as a joke that Milim gets the punchline.


Correct. That’s why Rimuru was able to teleport. That’s why i let it go when Leon teleported. Since I don’t say details well. Sometimes I’ll leave it. So people don’t hurt my feelings in comments 😭


first day out had me rolling 🤣😂🤣

Jonathan Kernick

This is not a spoiler because it was only mentioned in Season 1 Epsiode 2. The Empire referes to a nation that is as of now unmet. It's what the Fuse(Blumund guild master) and that Noble were worried about with the "disappearance" of Veldora.


Where's the video? I tried clicking on it but it just expanded the thumbnail.


Im on the phone and its working now but I had to go on the patreon website and watched there since It doesn't work on the app for whatever reason.


Yeah, seems to be an issue with the app, I'll have to try it later on my computer.


Been long episodes of setuping this Walpurgis event

None ya

App failure still


Yeah that was a small reference to something really early on. Empire has not bin an active player yet really.


Most of us dont wont to hurt your feelings :D We just want to make sure you will not jump to conclusions that would be incorrect.

Peacefinder Simply

Anyone else feel like the first half of each of these cours has been way to slow, they are decent episodes but it seems written in a way to delay when it all goes down.


Clayman is a ho and each episode that they delay his ass getting beat hurts my soul


Oh but they have been an active player, just not here in the West. After all, since Jura is between the West and the Empire, there's not rly them risking anything since Veldora is(was) the ruler of the forest, so nobody is willing to fuck w/ one of the 4 most OP fuckers in the world or anything

Skebaba (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-21 15:29:48 They be skipping dialogue like crazy from the LNs, tho. Not as bad as some of the shit they pulled in S1, but even so. You ppl must not like it when Volumes 8 & 9 will be adapted in another season, cuz those are like 90% dialogue/politics etc
2021-08-11 08:00:18 They be skipping dialogue like crazy from the LNs, tho. Not as bad as some of the shit they pulled in S1, but even so. You ppl must not like it when Volumes 8 & 9 will be adapted in another season, cuz those are like 90% dialogue/politics etc

They be skipping dialogue like crazy from the LNs, tho. Not as bad as some of the shit they pulled in S1, but even so. You ppl must not like it when Volumes 8 & 9 will be adapted in another season, cuz those are like 90% dialogue/politics etc


I love how absolutely vital information is on this show. The amount and quality of intel can absolutely make or break your whole strategy, and we get to see that in real time here.

Hunter De Lupin

Yes, Velzard is actually Veldora's OLDER sister. Velzard, Veldora, Veldanava (Milim's father), and one other Velgrynd(female) are the last 4 true dragons left. So basically, Velzard and Velgrynd are Milim's aunts and Veldora is her uncle.

E.j. Pennine

“I’ve never seen a show that caused me to hate someone in three minutes!” Excuse me, Shield Hero would like a word with you.


I love how, leading up to this episode, Clayman was portrayed as some kind of expert schemer whose plans might have been delayed by Rimuru's actions but never completely foiled. He was extremely overconfident, sure, but he seemed pretty devious. And then in this episode we find out that he fell hook, line, and sinker for Rimuru's deception and all the other demon lords think he's an idiot whose days are numbered. I was expecting him to be a schemer that only loses because Rimuru's schemes are slightly better, but in the end it's looking more like Rimuru is playing chess against a toddler. Heck, at this point, I wouldn't be surprised if even Milim had a scheme of her own that would somehow screw over Clayman.

Tein Foong Wong

Damm yall predicted the DBZ reference in later episodes

James Wilson

Damrada a character you will meet in the future is the merchant that leon was referencing when he talked about the info he had on rimuru, dont look up that name if you dont want to be spoiled but this will be revealed when the cerberus arc starts in a few seasons and ill leave it at that.


The book portrays him as highly intelligent whose years of planning (the orc lord thing) were ruined by Rimuru and became complacent after gaining control of Milim this is shown by how worried Laplace became for him. Though Guy does dislike him for being too weak to be a Demon Lord.