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They watching White Clover :D hahaha

Toan Greenlow



The people Lee says he likes, I always put mental check by there name/face . It’s getting quite interesting on the people he has chosen. I’m loving it.


Licht is German for Light and Yami is Japanese for Dark.

Jerid Glasspoole

'Eggs, Bacon, and Steak bro. Best foods for you.

Jerid Glasspoole

Yami from black clover is an isekai protagonist... Interesting.

Thicc Thunder

That getting lost comment by Yami is even funnier in dub because his dub VA is the same as Zoros dub VA in one piece.

Toan Greenlow

Fun fact: The creator of Black Clover said that Yami is basically a Shonen Protagonist who already completed his journey. So think of him like... Naruto in Boruto. Just ya know, not shit


"They watching White Clover" LMAOOO😂

Phonic Reassignment

its not type driven its more specific, so dark magic and all magic is different depending on the user. in other words if someone else had dark magic it would probably work completely different yami is skilled swordsman with the highest strength, but if someone else was a dark magic user who isnt they're spells will be very different. for example the vermillions fire magic are not the same nor do they work the same. so leo doesnt have the same magic as fuego and if someone else ever got the grim it will not work as well as the original person. which is why grims vanishes or are destroyed when the owner dies..... most of the time..... there are anomalies

Joseph C Gdaniec

every time i watch or read through this part of black clover's story it really gets to me how much of a hypocrite Licht and his people are, their logic is literal insanity