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Echo The Dolphin

dayum you guys on fire another episode already


ahhhhh shit, here we go

Toan Greenlow

Aw man, we almost to the first moment I've been waiting for!


DR left her on the island lol

Vincent lodato

i legit assumed most people have more then one monitor too director.


As I'm sure you've seen, Yami has pretty good magic as well. And as you'll see later on with another user of light magic, its only as good as the caster. If you're trash, having amazing magic is meaningless.

Jdub the great

Time for greatness to arrive next episode

Ernest Mitchell

Yo! I know EXACTLY which Pokemon episode you were talking about with the Rapidash. When Ash was in that Pokemon race and have to get Ponyta to trust him so it wouldnt burn him. best episode.

Luke Alba

Lol asta is a reminder of what you can achieve when you believe in yourself almost foolhardedly

John A.

Sally isn't best girl, but she is close for me in this series.

Phonic Reassignment

fire magic is light and heat among a number of other things, notice how grims are catered specifically to people so if more than one person has fire the spells wont be alike nor will work as well as another if done by someone else. thats why people with the same elements have completely different spells. but even at her old age she was able to run in front of asta and take the swords. i fire is able to keep up with light because technically fire is a source of light as well as some other magic types