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Rimuru isn't anymore Demon Slime...he is the GOD SLIME!


If you wondering about the Ogers (used to be only 7 rest was wiped out during Orc Lord arc) they are part of Beninarus team they are hobgoblins next evolution they evolved under Benimaru training. They skiped that in anime unless they will say it in future episodes but i doubt it if I remember right.

Jonathan Kernick

Confirmed, YBRL is a money laundering operation for all their ill gotten gains from teleportation magic. We all kinda suspected this but its good to have clarification.

Eric Keatts

Apparently those new ogres came from some of the Hobgoblins evolving from the Gifts given out during the Harvest Festival that turned Rimuru into a Demon Slime


Yall mentioned that they would see the transport magic with it being that epic... In the LN it happened at night and he combined the transport magic with a blindness bomb to block anyone from opposition from seeing it.

R'ja Norr

Clayman tricked 20,000 weak human soldiers to attack Tempest, and they became food for Rimaru. Now Rimuru is returning the favor by sending 20,000 of his best to show Clayman how it's done. The smoke will be thick.


It’s sorta from both but the gifts are the final trigger.(if your not strong enough the gifts not gonna evolve you)


We did see two people with milim during her transformation into demon lord story. But it was a elf eared lady with wings and a guy with long red hair neither looked like clay men from what I could see.


Teleportation magic is always op as hell when done properly.


Lol. The nitpicker in me who’s out here lookin at the crowd like 👀. the real op none-sense is the subtle barrier god rimuru just became👀 u can’t even transport a lot of the stuff without doing full protection 👀 not to mention wat that mean bout his magicules after demon lord since he pulling all this off or the fact that RAPHAEL WAS ON AUTOPILOT?!?! Am i the only one who saw this teleport thing as a side character???!!?


I don't think Rimuru can teleport his troops around while he is at the demon lord banquet though. Also, the US army is first and foremost a logistics group, you don't win with numbers, but with movement.


Ok so, on the topic of what power you’d want, I have something to throw out there in terms of “best power”, which no one has been able to trump thus far. Give me the power to, freely and unrestricted, alter probability. i.e. what’s the probability of me dying today? If it’s anything above 0, we lower it to 0. I’m not dying today. And because it’s not a power that is really broadcast, as in it’s not able to be sensed in any real measure, I don’t have to announce that I have this power, I just seem invincible to anyone who runs up on me


there is a better power "the power to control reality" or create your own, a fight between them would be like; Oh i see you can change the probability, pls check again, oh no you still won't die today after i removed it? i guess i can have fun since you won't die.


i find it interesting everyone is talking about the Ogres being hobgoblings or being able to transport his armies, but i find interesting that rimuru wouldn't even need to use the teleportation on his army, just teleport the enemy to the ocean or in a volcano, or maybe use the teleport for divide and conquer type of tactics.


Ay, YBR! That Slime shirt is sick bro!


Great Sage/Raphael is Rimuru's most closely guarded secret I think only Veldora knows she exists.


Casting that teleport spell took most of Rimuru's power and took like an hour (don't remember the exact amount of time it took) to cast.