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Ranginald Vagel

She’s got the birds backwards, they don’t fw people who have high mana cuz they get scared but if someone has low to no mana they enjoy following them. The one following Asta’s just mean.


I’m gonna keep watch until gurren lagann comes out i’ll keep watching it I see it


Not sure sure what she said here. But that’s what she meant I believe. Because I remember that clear. They swarmed Asta


Here's whats up with the magic Mr Nasty, nearly all mages draw their powers from one if the four elements - earth, air water, fire. Some, like Yuno, Noelle and Magna, use the base element itself. Others draw their power from a form that magic can take (ice or steam or mist, lightning, ash, metal or plants from earth). Moreover each of the elements can be found among healing magic, creation magic, protection magic, destruction magic, etc. Most mages are good in one or two types of magic, with nobles, royals and special mages like yuno - sometimes are skilled in multiple types (attack and healing and creation) but this rare. So you can have earth healing magic, fire creation magic, or wind attack magic. But you could have wind healing, earth creation, fire attack, etc. Some mages also have a theme - magna with baseball or Noelle with dragons, but not every mage has thematically attuned magic. Other mages have magic not pulled from the four elements, but different. Spatial magic, light magic, dark magic, etc. This is very rare.


In Yuno's case, consider that he's making the air so densely packed that it becomes solid. So many air molecules packed into a tight space that it becomes almost metallic


Those blue streams are just water. The mana is what is making the water defy physics and it's heavy in the air

Eric Keatts

Yea, pretty much if you can think of a combo or theme, it probably exists


Lotus is smarter than most people, he's subtle and a master of sun tzu's style of warfare: deception. He would rather retreat than advance, and his magic reflects that. He's very very dangerous but he's not hotheaded arrogant or proud. He's just a smart real old guy


LMAOOOO when they both did the hair flip like noelle it had me laughing hard asf 😂😂😂

Roronoa Zoro

So let’s clarify just about everyone does creation magic with their elements. Like with noels sea dragons lair. Started off saying water creation magic cause their creating whatever they need using their magic. There is also recovery magic and binding magic. So like magna he used flame creation magic explosive scatter shot and turned it into flame binding magic. The glow of the books and the way they look is more to signify which of the major 4 elements does their magic come from. 4 major elements of course are wind water earth and fire. The other magic we see is just a derivative of those 4 elements.


not all magic is creation magic


Yall are underestimating luck and honestly all the black bull members, and overestimating magna

Toan Greenlow

Now I'm gonna spend the rest of the night wondering why this was updated...