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Jojo ep 8 and One Piece will be uploaded when i have internet. Sorry 😅. Obviously i can use my phone. Those files are too much to upload on my celluar data.

i am soooooooo bored. 😭😭😭😭


Michael Royal

did you call your ISP? i hate how much ISPS charge us.. and still give us crap service that just goes out and stuff lol. lol hope your havbing a great day


How to get YBRL take a break. Cut off his internet...


Yeah it's alright take the chance to rest guys and have a family day

Joestar San

Take your time Rock D Lee

Luis CK

I know that feeling, a fire left me without any power all past weekend


Funny, everyone seems to have problems with the internet. No matter were they live. Are solar flares happening right now?! Also Phone uploads that sounds hilarious would probably take days lol.


Well if it was solar flares one individual doesn't really tell you anything. Its like a storm. Your neighbours house gets wrecked and yours is fine. It hits some people and others not so much or not at all. Also i guess Alaska would be a good place to be at. The further away from the equator the better.


Well it can be beacuse everyone works from home/learns from home, and rest is gaming/watching netflix. Remember back in the day when internet was shit (for me it was like 6 years ago, so I remember it very well xD), so all big downloading had to be done at night, beacuse "noone uses it at night, so it is faster"? Now we have extreame case of that, beacuse EVERYONE is doing something online at exacly the same time, and even modern internet "blows up" from being overused. #GodPlsEndThisDumbPandemic


Hi Do you have the uncut versions of season 1 of jojo on patreon because all i could find was episode 1,10 and 21-26 Thanks


That’s ok thanks