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lol, not much to say other than Luffy was hilarious man..just living his best life under dire circumstances lol.    Hordy is proaaaaably worse than Moria for me...i'm really hating this guy.
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naked hairy potato

yep worst villains in One Piece: (1) Hordy, (2) Moria, (3) Kuro


of course there's one that's worse that all of them for me, but I won't mention them now as it's in the current arc and thus a spoiler, but Hordy definitely is worse than any OP villain that's come before.


After flashbacks I thought Hordy Jones was a good villian, thats just my opinion.

Carlos Santos

Anyway for me to download the reaction or some external link this patron player keeps crashing on my phone every 10 minutes :(


That ID channel skit tho 😂😂 I would write that for you