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aaaaaaaalmost there with you guys ha ha..not to much to say on these.



Nice skull joke Lee and the 'chopper' episode was on the tail end of the news about the other pirates including Akainu/Blackbeard. Also pretty bad when Chopper takes the dig at how pitiful Usopp is, when he was saying pretending to be someone else was too pitiful.


Zoro's just slow, lmao. That's why Rayleigh said "there's one guy who looks a bit dull but I'm sure he'll manage to understand". And yeah, Scratchman Apoo was born in the Long Arm Tribe.


YBRL never fails to start laughing when One Piece villains are doing their "kekekeke" laughs...


Its almost time :D it starts popping off at 518 if I remember correctly

Joseph C Gdaniec

I love these episodes bc it shows how much the crew has matured since they joined Luffy. All of them joined the crew for their own reasons, but here they are all deciding they want to get stronger and better just so they can be helpful to Luffy. Love the parallels