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Honestly didn't realize you guys watched 86! I only learnt because I saw the update emails. Time to binge! I love this series! Plan on reading the novels soon


The translation was bad on the shin and Lena part. Shin is saying that he can’t sense any voices from the legion past a certain point in the east, so any help that might come would come from there. Only Shin has the ability to hears voices not the albas or the other eight y six’s for that matter unless they’re connected to him through para- raid. Shin thinks that their might be another country fighting the legion and they can help the republic.


while the first part is useful and I thank you for it, I sort of wish you didn't even bring up the second part as I believe that is not something we as viewers are even suppose to entertain as an option.


I would like to point out a culture misunderstanding. Towards the end when they headed out there was the hanging dolls, in anime Japanese culture this is a sort of talisman to ward off rain, now to be fair they might have also used it as a plot point in the show for 'hanging themselves' but when in the scenes leading up to it one of the girls mention 'a way to get rid of the rain" I believe this to be the reason they showed it. Hope that can help a little


I think you missed the part if Shin and the last 5 of them fail. Republic would fall, that means this war isn't going to end in 2 years, it's going to civilian massacre. Director will have field day when Albas are going to get bodied by Legion. With this episode my mind really went to that this country will get destroyed by the end of this and the survivors of it will be the only ones left trying to stop Legion. Just my guess =)

Daniel Borrego

you know what really bugs me about this anime? Why doesnt lena TELL SOMEONE that the legion is using 86's brains to build more machines. she hasnt told anyone. its literally the one thing that could change the commands mind on the matter. i was expecting her to tell him in front of the statue, but nope, we need plot to go forward instead.


She already reported it, but the upper part ignored it, so they think it's just a theory. And because they are so lethargic, they only don't respond to theory.