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Oh all those slaves are bound to the slave trader, at a word they would swarm and kill naofumi, without hesitation because of their slave crests. The lack of armed guards to prevent runaways and revolts is enough to show that there is no escape. If naofumi tried to free them, he would be dead and he understands this. The only way to save raphtalia was to buy her, not defending slavery, but in this instance he had two options, leave her to die in that cage or spend almost all his money on a child that might die on him. But he's the bad guy, right, he can't show that softness openly, not in this world. Not defending slavery, homeboy had no other choice to get her out. Watch it again, look at the slave traders complete confidence, he even predicts which one naofumi will buy, that evil little fucker had zero fear of any repercussions. The first thing the slaver showed him was a level 75 werewolf monster, Naofumi was level 2, how was he supposed to free the slaves? He saved Raphtalia, its what he could do.


To build off what based_aqua said, the other thing to remember is that Naofumi at this point has zero trust in anyone. He fears getting betrayed again after what happened (and honestly, who can blame him there). He is incapable of freeing her from the slave crest because he cant trust that she wont turn on him and betray him as well. That is a massive emotional wound that will take time to heal. So regardless of how he feels about slavery, its literally the only thing he can rely on right now... since he NEEDS someone to help him level, but he cant trust that that someone wont backstab him even more if they arent forced into that.


Raphtalia has and always will be in the top echelon of best girls. She is top tier.


"I'd like 1 room for me and this 10 year old girl. You're gonna hear her scream all night, just ignore it." Damn, he doesn't just not care about fixing his name, he's playing into it more.