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Its hard to convey age because you create your own character. Remember Akatsuki started the anime as a guy. Serara though is 16.


Oh Adorkable, let me tell you something. Even the smartest guy on earth is a total moron when it comes to noticing a girl is into him. To be more precise, there are 2 types of us. 1. Takes EVERYTHING as a hint...like litteraly, you will say "hi" to him, and that guy would jump to conclusion "yea she totaly wants to smash" 2. Blind to EVERYTHIG...like, really everything...friend of mine back in highschool still wasn't sure after girls asked him out on a date xD So please give my boy Shiroe a break, we just are REALLY bad at that... Btw. How the hell we survived for so long as human race? xD


I am waiting for the girl that will get the boys excited =). I think they have already seen that episode as it should be in the end of season 1.


Hit them in the head with a club and drag to the cave...always works.


WhggghaAaat. Lol. Changes the whooole game lol. That’s an adult IN JAPAN right? I judged her like she was 12. Akatsuki i knew was older though.

Random Guy

There's actually a version 2 who notices all the hints, but ends up not doing anything because it would look stupid if we thought we were right, then it we were just overthinking it


Krusty is the Chad of isekai.