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gate 2 uncut

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Real talk, bullets are why we stopped using metal armor. The armor they will offer little to no protection against bullets. Conversely kevlar isn't going to stop a sword or arrow. Its designed for bullets, not blades


Kevlar was designed specifically to stop knives and any piercing power. Getting stabbed or shot while wearing Kevlar prevents it from cutting into your flesh, however it doesn't negate the force of the impact which is why they often wear a composite ceramic chestplate under the Kevlar. Without that, it would be like getting punched by a body builder while having osteoporosis, you'll probably live, but it'll break a few ribs.


Both of you are kind of right from what I can tell from a quick search. Enough force with a piercing or spiked weapon will pierce through Kevlar. A vest when pierced, however, can turn a very fetal attack into a very superficial wound. If the attack is weak enough (I don't know the precise force required to puncture a vest) it will be stopped before fully puncturing it. Judging by the amount of force I was seeing being applied, it's definitely not easy to push the blade through the layered materials to cause even a minimal amount of damage. Enough force could, theoretically, be applied to cause significant harm. I feel like the energy behind the attack required to cause that much piercing would be a bit more than your average mugger would be able to generate. So, yes. Knives can and do penetrate Kevlar. I don't know if I'd agree with saying it wasn't designed for knives, though. I would much rather go to a knife fight with Kevlar than without it, in my personal opinion.

Casper Ghost

It depends; the highest end vests have goat-silk layered in between the Kevlar and the light ceramic plates so they're damn near impenetrable but they're obscenely expensive due to the goat silk. The ceramic plate is about as hard as diamond and the goat-silk has a tension strength greater than steel but is still basically spider silk so it's light and easy to layer or intertwine with Kevlar or carbon fiber to make it stupidly tough; but again its so expensive that its really not viable yet. A mace or an A-10 round is about your best bet against that shit. lol