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SENGOKU!!!! my bad lol....Once I identified the name as Senku....i was stuck without ever thinking again on how to say lol....but i read the comment lol...

Sen Goku...i got it.

Reading Manway and Subtitles have helped me actually because I normally don't read, so my reading skills will and have improved over time. Somehow I have a bachelors in LEGAL STUDIES....CONTRACTS! lol...they let anyone get a degree these days LMAO

Also characters like BOA i knew from the beginning of time... because the BOA fans came in full force against my Robin...I'm not totally sure about her place in the straw hat crew, fortunately, but Erza isn't involved in the Anime community like me, she doesn't read comments, you're gonna see her asking me questions and I'll avoid it so her experience isn't ruined.  I'm saying this because she was forced on Boa in this video and i dodged her like the plague lol.  Anyways...counting my days to see Robin again...

(side note, i tend to write more one one piece videos because it's the series i'm most invested into emotionally... it's been every week SEVERAL times a week with MY WIFE...so it's very close to me...and i know...i got shows coming for Years to come.....aaaand than the Rewatches on my personal time, though i consider reading the old chapters so i can get a second dose of the content that i have actually forgotten by now. For example...they say things over and over that i may not know was important and i miss it.   Like when they say Wano kingdom....lol....I only pick up on that because there is a current or past Arc now of the Wano Arc....so god knows all the things i missed because i didn't know they were important lol



“But they still have Black Beard...those stupid people.” This had me DYING LMAO


Erza is in like unique position. She is not in the community but she watches the shows and we can truly see the blind reaction of the shows. When you are in the anime community, u will be spoiled some of the major parts like Ace's death and everything. Good thing is that she is not spoiled even though i think u are like spoiled like hell :3 Also another thing wanted to say that after 516..u can react until opening 14..which will be fun thing to do may be as a video :3 Yes, one piece has so many episodes and chapter, it becomes a part of your life sooner or later


Put it simply, Boa's place in the Straw Hats is much the same as Coby's: an outsider who considers themselves Luffy's greatest fan (ironic). So the next 11 episodes will be like the last episode of this video: never before seen backstory on Luffy and Ace and how they became brothers. For that I recommend you divide it into 2 videos of 4 and one of 3 (which videos are which is up to you.) That will take you to the final 12 episodes of the arc, which serve as a turning point for the entire series. Hope you're ready for the emotional rollercoaster to come.


Vice admiral Mononga brought Boa to marineford. He does seem pretty reasonable for a navy officer. Definitely a cool character.


You won't find any other story the same as one piece. It's such a unique experience and always keeps you guessing. I love it.


I would add Aokiji to that list of "just" marines. Reminder that Robin's only survived Ohara because Aokiji made a path for her to escape, and froze the rudder of Spandine's ship so he couldn't chase her to the next island.

Dragon Prince

Oh, yea in case y'all forgot, Ace had mentioned Luffy talking to a woman named Dandan. This is basically Luffy and Ace's "mom"


Yup. Remember. Ace wears the read beads around his hat that matches what she had/has too


god we haven't seen the crew in such a long time, imagine you would have only 1 episode a week and brakes between some arcs. I actually love how much you two love the show.


i'm the same with erza. i feel more for luffy than ace. it's just heartbreaking.


Just to be annoying it's not Manway (would be cooler if it was), BUT "Manhwa" how korean manga is called =) and just as a bonus chinese manga is called "Manhua".


I'll miss the adventures of Lee and Senku lmao


Manhwa as in Mon Wa right? Lol. I don’t say Monway. If i am. That’s crazy. I know it don’t end sith with an ay sound

Thomas Stark

While I truly enjoy Hancocks character I find it amazing that no one seems to have a problem shipping a 29 year old woman with a 17 year old boy.


not at all...i'm conscious of this...i just don't voice it...I think Erza said it like once....but I would ABSOLUTELY had said something if it was a 29 year old man and a 17 year old girl lol........This dude Luffy about to be KING! lol...ha ha...Side note...Luffy travels the world as a pirate...i dunno..he's 17...but he a Man lol....

Thomas Stark

I get you. 17 or not Luffys been through enough on his own to be considered a man. And I wasn't talking about you guys specifically I was just making an observation as I watched. So many people immediately fall behind it because of course Hancock is "Beautiful" The crush is amusing. And it brings out a much better side of her character I just always thought it was a bit odd. Really enjoying catching up on your reactions I was waiting for the ASL arc to be finished before I watched.

Brandon Gonzales

I love how Boa cares so much for Luffy here and it shows the feelings about Boa to Luffy compare too Nami I can't stand her period

Luke Alba

early upload let's go