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I know Milim was powerfull but she could take control of the show thats impressive. I think Milim has become this way because in the series i remember her being close with a dragon maybe she lost him and doesnt want to feel like that anymore/


btw the season 2 pt 2 trailer came out, not sure if you watch it. It doesnt spoil much fyi :)


I really think this child Milim is a fake version of her. The real Milim is what we see fighting that other Demon Lord in Part 1. Or she has dual personality this child version of her that is still innocent and the real Demon Lord version that really wants to destroy everything. Can't wait for Part 2 to start, need more Milim and Veldora in human form :D


It would be nice with a reaction of the pt2 trailer


Where is slime diaries episode 2 at? (nvm it just wasn't categorized)


Well she did suffer that trauma as a young girl, having her beloved childhood companion killed by the king who wanted to "Take control" of her (whatever that meant.) Compound that with her going on a grief-maddened rampage in which thousands lost their lives (likely including children like herself) as well as her friend coming back to life only to be a mindless monster who was killing and destroying even more, that would be more than sufficient for anyone to develop a complex, one sever enough it could lead to them having a wide array of psychotic breaks of various types.

Daniel Borrego

its honestly brings up a fairly serious idea. if you physically dont age past say 20, would you eventually mentally stop aging as well. i've noticed as i've gotten older i stop doing things simply because my body cant do them as easily anymore but if i was always young and healthy, would i ever stop? milim is like a 1000-2000 years old. what would this actually mean for a person. certainly there would be a part of you that would be very mature and you could probably turn on like a switch to deal with certain situations, but would your core personality still be the 20 something you? one thing i've noticed as i got older was that people kinda stop aging at a certain point. 50 year olds will still be just as clique and petty as when they were in highschool.