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This episode is a 40 year time skip from the ending of the metal float incident just in case you wanted to know for sure


You said vivy didn't have a loli well here we are! First loli ai in vivy


well grace didnt mess up bc she had a new mission she never messed up. the only reason she was shut down was bc the technology was too advanced for this time and wasn't supposed to be made for 20 more years.


and because of how fast ai will advance now so vivy had to destroy the island


so since vivy shut down its been 40 years of this new diva growing and learning habits. that's why she acts different because shes been alive for twice as long as the ol vivy. she has more emotion and stuff. also IN MY OPINION she couldn't bare the weight of killing a human when she saw both the blood mixed and how similar they were. and she just mentally broke not like a conflict in her mission, she broke like someone holding their dead family member would or something


the old vivy got rebooted when she was 21 so this new diva has been alive for 40 years. so in total shes been alive for 61 years. 21-vivy diva- 40

Daniel Borrego

i think what made vivy shutdown, was the doctor saying her song was grace. then he killed himself, meaning vivys song is what killed him. a direct contradiction to her mission.


I know you are swamped about uploads, but what happened to Log Horizon? Thought we would get atleast season 1 out? =)


We pretty much uploaded Vivy in it’s place since its first to go on YouTube. 😅


In a sense she has always been Diva. Vivy personality I think only really formed when her missions started contradicting, Vivy to destroy AI and do the singularity project and Diva her first mission bring happiness through her singing. Of course after the reboot this version of herself as Diva is different as she has no memories/experiences that she went through as Vivy.


Was my small suspicion that was the case =). Well don't let it sit too long you will forget totally that anime. One of the mistakes of us Patreons trying to push too many shows on to you and you doing almost all of them :D


@thamor in my opinion the singularity project has nothing to do with diva or vivy mission. I solely believe vivy is choosing to save humanity by herself and helping Matsumoto. Not that helping humanity will help them to see her sing. I believe she is choosing.


This new diva is essentially would vivy would have evolved into personality wise with no Matsumoto influence. She's a actual diva who's kind of high and mighty and a famous songstress


Of course she chose to save humanity and her first thought process was, because that would save more people to hear her songs as Diva. I think the boys said it pretty well that the AI's are and can twist the mission logic to fit how they want to see it. That is exactly how Diva/Vivy first made herself accept what Matsumoto was making her do. Well the AI thought process and trying to analyze it is a fun game. 100% certain every single viewer will see stuff happening in this show in different perspectives. Can already feel Tappei Nagatsuki's hand in the story as it's really deep in psychological mysteries and making it harder still as it's AI's that we as humans are trying to understand...


Yea imo these aren't twisting of her mission she's actually just choosing to help. It isn't some fucked up thing where she's logically using this as bypass to complete her singing mission. It's just like with grace she even said it couldn't be anyone else but the doctor. People see ai and just think robot. But vivy has feelings emotions and more. She feels sadness anger and happiness. An ai is just essentially a artificial human . That's why I feel like she broke at the end of grace arc not because of a mission but because she herself was so shocked that she directly caused his death even by doing what she thought was best to save humans. She couldn't comprehend what she had just done and literally broke