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I was chilllllllllin and than the ending!!! lol.     ALSO NEEDED A LOOOOOOOONG TALK...lol Apparently all this came easy to Adorkable lol



So is vivy everyday until you guys are caught up?


Re:Zero author getting ready to hit us with the most amazing mystery reveals for this story.


No, very good. Catch up to the story. Easier to make theory comments when you have caught up.

Peacefinder Simply

The metal float plans to where it was built wasn't changed. The metal float was built because of estellas feat. The important part is in the first timeline the metal float was supposed to be built 20 years later but it was pushed up from the sunrise incident on how it went this time do to vivy's interference. The doctor knew about it because on this timeline the propose for marriage happened before the metal float and the metal float was built in the place he planned to get married, in the first timeline because the metal float was built 20 years later he got married on that island.


he knows it was gonna be built there bc he was a part of the research team for the metal float but then the plan was changed and it was built somewhere else




yeah sometimes im able to watch the entire after discussion but sometimes I cant.


good full reaction i think some things you guys overcomplicated and other you caught spot on. but that's the nature of the game the crazy random theories you guys say no matter how far off they are


Oh My God! THEORY! Vivi is accualy who caused AIs to slother all of humanity in the future, beacuse she went totaly insane here. And Diva was the only one not affected beacuse it was her alter-ego who caused this, and since at no point Diva and Vivy can exist together she couldn't corrupt her other self! Wait a second...timelines don't add up...screw it the "that was supposed to happend" timeline is WRONG, it's a endless loop, and the cube who want to fix everything, is accualy the one who accidentaly pushed vivy into insanity HERE every bloody time, beacuse thats how loops work. OH SHIT! Theory C. There was an oryginal timelane, and AI naturaly took over, someone wanted to fix it, send cube first time, and then there is endless loop of slother timeline! that's why og timeline is blue, and that one is red!


And there is a trick...I don't watch anime on my own anymore. I wait for reactions, so I can post theory whenever I want! :D (I mean ok I watch some series on my own, but if they are reacting I watch with them)


I still very much wonder how come the AI have so many emotions like you can see the nurse AI blush its just kinda weird to see those kind of things in a AI.